Theses and jobs for students at match

A significant part of the studies are the major final theses. The match offers bachelor's, study, and master's theses in all research areas of the institute. Additionally, we regularly advertise jobs for student assistants. If there is nothing suitable for you, but you are interested in one of the research topics, please write directly to the person in charge. A topic can usually be found. More information, forms, templates, and assistance can be found further below.

A significant part of the studies are the major final theses. The match offers bachelor's, study, and master's theses in all research areas of the institute. Additionally, we regularly advertise jobs for student assistants. If there is nothing suitable for you, but you are interested in one of the research topics, please write directly to the person in charge. A topic can usually be found. More information, forms, templates, and assistance can be found further below.

What the match offers

At match, we attach great importance to provide student an inspiring and supportive working environment. With us, you have the opportunity to be creative and help shape innovations. We also offer further training opportunities to promote personal and professional development during your studies (even abroad!).


  • Exciting topics in the fields of assembly, robotics and AI appication
  • Professional support and further training opportunities
  • Flexible working hours - tailored to your week and semester
  • Support and placement for stays abroad


  • Student workspace with decent PCs (Full RGB, NVIDIA RTX 3070 Ti), 4K screens and 3D mice
  • State-of-the-art robots, equipment and systems
  • Professional kicker table
  • Siemens EQ.900 fully automatic coffee machine with selected espresso and crema beans


  • Lunch together in the canteen or at Möbel Hesse (12:30 p.m.)
  • Regular student events (summer party, winter party, barbecue, Christmas tree installation)
  • Free match merchandise on special occasions
  • Regular newsletter on current events incl. match memes
  • Lots of cake

Research projects and theses

  • Bachelor/study/master thesis - Unsolicited application

    Unsolicited application for a bachelor/study/master thesis

    © Foto: Bodo Kremmin / LUH

    All listed calls for bachelor, student research projects or master theses are current. If you are interested in a topic, please write to the relevant contact person. If you are particularly interested in a research topic or a match project for which there is no call for applications, we would like to encourage you to send us an unsolicited application.

    Please write a short application by e-mail. In addition to a brief introduction, please state as precisely as possible what area of research you are interested in and how you became aware of the match. Please send your email to the contact person listed for each project. If you are not sure, you can also send your application to, stating the research topic.

  • Development and Analysis of an Air Nozzle ‘Digital Twin'

    Work Content

    Example with Air Nozzle Arrays

    To counteract the existing deficits of conventional feeding technology in terms of feeding performance, reliability and flexibility of variation, an image-based feeding system was developed at the Institute of Assembly Technology and Robotics (match). By combining image processing with aerodynamic alignment, the flexibility of the feeding system can be noticeably improved. For this purpose, a digital twin of the nozzle module is to be created in this work and the outgoing air flow simulated.

    This results in the following work packages:

    Creating a 3D model of the nozzle with Blender or Autodesk.

    Importing the model into a Python-compatible flow simulator (e.g. Omniverse Flow or Pyrosim) to simulate the air flow.

    Simulate the interaction of airflow and components and compare with a real nozzle.


    Previous knowledge of Python/Blender helpful

    B2+ English language skills helpful

    High motivation and independent way of working


    M. Sc. Dasha Maria Shieff
    Research Staff
    An der Universität 2
    30823 Garbsen
    M. Sc. Dasha Maria Shieff
    Research Staff
    An der Universität 2
    30823 Garbsen
  • Theses - More...

    Further Theses

    Further theses can be found in the German version of this page.

Supervising external student projects

The offers in co-operation with external partners (companies) can be found under the current calls for tenders. If you would like the match to supervise work at a company, please follow the Guidelines for external work (link to german version).


  • HiWi job - Unsolicited application

    HiWi job Unsolicited application

    All listed advertisements for HiWi jobs are current. If you are interested in a topic, please write to the respective contact person. If a research topic or a project at match particularly appeals to you, for which there is no advertisement, we encourage you to submit an unsolicited application.

    Please write a short cover letter. In addition to a self-introduction, give us a concrete idea of what a student project could look like in terms of topic. Please send your application to the relevant contact person listed in the respective project. If in doubt, you can also send your application to, stating the research topic.

  • Hiwi-Job - More...


    Further jobs can be found on the German version of this page.

For general requests please contact