International Academy for Production Engineering

The International Academy for Production Engineering (fr.: College International pour la Recherche en Productique (CIRP)), is an international association of scientists in the field of production technology that has existed since 1950. The mission of the CIRP is to promote research and development in the field of production technology among its members from science and industry in order to contribute to sustainable global prosperity and the well-being of society.
Further information is available at:
German Academic Association for Production Technology

The German Academic Association for Production Technology (ger.: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktionstechnik e.V.) is an association of leading German professors of production engineering. It unites around 1000 scientists in production engineering in the Federal Republic of Germany and was founded in 1987 as the successor organization to the "Hochschulgruppe Betriebswissenschaften (HBW)", which was founded in 1937 and later became the "Hochschulgruppe Fertigungstechnik (HGF)".
It sees itself as a body representing the interests of research and teaching in the field of production engineering in the scientific, social and political sphere of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Further information is available at:
Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics

MHI e.V. is a network of leading university professors from German-speaking countries who are successfully involved in both basic and applied research in assembly, handling and industrial robotics. The association was founded in spring 2012. MHI e.V. currently has 26 members, who currently represent around 1,000 scientists through their institutes and chairs.
Further information is available at:
German Academy of Engineering Sciences

The German Academy of Engineering Sciences (ger.: Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften) - acatech - is the national academy funded by the federal and state governments and the voice of science and engineering in Germany and abroad. It advises politics and society on issues relating to the future of technology science and technology policy. Under the patronage of the Federal President, it fulfills the advisory mandate independently, based on facts and oriented towards the common good.
Further information is available at:
National Technical University “Kiev Polytechnic Institute Ihor Sikorskyi”

The match is in close cooperation with the Kiev Polytechnic Institute Ihor Sikorskyj (KPI). This exchange has existed since the beginning of 2023. In addition to the technical level, both sides benefit from the very valuable cultural experiences.
A Ukrainian scientist has already successfully completed research stay at the match (phi-article). This will be followed up on in the near future and further such stays will be carried out in collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Joint courses are also sought to promote diversity in teaching. Furthermore, the match was already able to send discarded or surplus hardware and software to the KPI.