
Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)

  • Blankemeyer, S.; Wendorff, D.; Raatz, A. (2024): A hand-interaction model for augmented reality enhanced human-robot collaborationCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2024, Vol. 73/1, pp. 17-20
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2024.04.001
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Müller, E.; Cao, B.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A.; Wurz, M. (2024): Propriozeption in der Soft Robotics - Simulationsgestützte Applikation biphasischer Dehnungsmesssensoren auf softe AktorenWerkstatttechnik Online
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2024-11-12-31
  • Peters, J.; Anvari, B.; Licher, J.; Wiese, M.; Raatz, A.; Wurdemann, H.A. (2024): Acceptance and Usability of a Soft Robotic, Haptic Feedback Seat for Autonomy Level Transitions in Highly Automated VehiclesIEEE Transactions on Haptics Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/TOH.2024.3392473
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Schulte-Huxel, H.; Wirtz, W.; Raatz, A. (2023): Assembly cell for the manufacturing of flexible solar modules in building integrated photovoltaicsProcedia CIRP, Volume 120, pp. 952-957
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.09.106
  • Gerland, S.; Raatz, A. (2023): Adhesive Bonding of an Aluminum Alloy with and without an Oxide Layer in Atmospheres with Different Oxygen ContentsApplied Science, 2023, 13(1), 547
    DOI: 10.3390/app13010547
  • Ince, C.-V.; Raatz, A. (2023): Formvariable Handhabung schmiedewarmer MassivbauteileZWF, 118 (2023) 3, pp 153-156
    DOI: 10.1515/zwf-2023-1028
  • Kern, P.; Hinz, L.; Kästner, M.; Reithmeier, E.; Blankemeyer, S.; Ince, C.-V.; Raatz, A.; Behrens, B.-A.; Brunotte, K.; Uhe, J. (2023): Automatisierung und Digitalisierung in Tailored-Forming-Prozessketten - Prozessoptimierung mittels Inline-Geometriemessungwt Werkstattstechnik online 113:10, VDI Verlag, S. 413-318
    DOI: 10.37544/1436–4980–2023–10–35
  • Korn, P.; Omar Pacha, T.; Kampmann, A.; Raatz, A.; Gellrich, N.-C. (2023): Pitfalls and prospect in the treatment with patient-specific implants: An oral and maxillofacial surgeons perspectiveTransactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 5(S1), 2023, 825.
    DOI: 10.18416/AMMM.2023.2309825
    ISSN: 2699-1977
  • Lachmayer, L.; Böhler, D.; Freund, N.; Mai, I.; Lowke, D.; Raatz, A. (2023): Modelling the influence of material and process parameters on Shotcrete 3D Printed strands - cross-section adjustment for automatic robotic manufacturingAutomation in Construction, Vol. 145
    DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104626
  • Moritz, P.; Gerland, S.; Wegewitz, L.; Raatz A.; Maus-Friedrichs, W. (2023): Influence of different processing atmospheres on curing and adhesive strength of cyanoacrylatesInternational Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2023.103386
  • Santacruz-Mondragon, I.; Sandoval-Castro, X.; Ibrahim, S.; Wiese, M.; Raatz, A.; Ruiz-Torres, M.; Castillo-Castaneda, E. (2023): Design and characterisation of a multi-DOF soft pneumatic moduleRobotica, Volume 41, Issue 9, September 2023, pp. 2774-2788
    DOI: 10.1017/S026357472300067X
  • Wiese, M.; Berthold, R.; Wangenheim, M.; Raatz, A. (2023): Describing and Analyzing Mechanical Contact for Continuum Robots Using a Shooting-Based Cosserat Rod ImplementationIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1668-1675
    DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3346272
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Kolditz, T.; Busch, J.; Seitz, M.; Nyhuis, P.; Raatz, A. (2022): Adaptive aerodynamic part feeding enabled by genetic algorithmProduction Engineering res. Devel. 16, pp. 1-8 (8 Seiten)
    DOI: 10.1007/s11740-021-01076-w
  • Dörfler, K.; Dielemans, G.; Lachmayer, L.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A.; Lowke, D.; Gerke, M. (2022): Additive Manufacturing using mobile robots: Opportunities and challenges for building constructionCement and Concrete Research, Vol. 158, 106772
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2022.106772
    ISSN: 0008-8846
  • Middendorf, P.; Blümel, R.; Hinz, L.; Raatz A., Kästner, M.; Reithmeier E. (2022): Pose Estimation and Damage Characterization of Turbine Blades during Inspection Cycles and Component-Protective Disassembly ProcessesSensors 2022, 22 (14), 5191
    DOI: 10.3390/s22145191
  • Banerjee, S.S.; Arief, I.; Berthold, R.; Wiese, M.; Bartholdt, M.; Ganguli, D.; Mitra, S.; Mandal, S.; Wallaschek, J.; Raatz, A.; Heinrich, G.; Das, A. (2021): Super-elastic ultrasoft natural rubber-based piezoresistive sensors for active sensing interface embedded on soft robotic actuatorApplied Materials Today, 25, (2021), Article 101219
    DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101219
  • Ibrahim, S.; Krause, J. C.; Olbrich, A.; Raatz, A. (2021): Modeling and Reconstruction of State Variables for Low-Level Control of Soft Pneumatic ActuatorsFrontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 8, (32 pages)
    DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2021.557830
  • Ince, C.-V.; Chugreeva, A.; Böhm, C.; Aldakheel, F.; Uhe, J.; Wriggers, P.; Behrens, B.-A.; Raatz, A. (2021): A Design Concept of Active Cooling for Tailored Forming Workpieces During Induction HeatingProduction Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 177-186 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1007/s11740-021-01027-5
  • Kloft, H.; Gehlen, C.; Dörfler, K.; Hack, N.; Henke, K.; Lowke D.; Mainka, J.; Raatz, A. (2021): TRR 277: Additive manufacturing in constructionCivil Engineering Design 2021; pp. 1–10. (This paper was initially published in German)
    DOI: 10.1002/cend.202100026
  • Kloft, H.; Gehlen, C.; Dörfler, K.; Hack, N.; Henke, K.; Lowke, D.; Mainka, J.; Raatz, A. (2021): TRR 277: Additive Fertigung im BauwesenBautechnik Vol. 98/3; S. 222-231
    DOI: 10.1002/bate.202000113
  • Kolditz, T.; Raatz, A. (2021): Aerodynamische Zuführtechnik – Fortschritte und PerspektivenZWF, 116 (2021) 11, pp. 810-814
    DOI: 10.1515/zwf-2021-0198
  • Boyraz, P.; Tappe, S.; Ortmaier, T.; Raatz, A. (2020): Design of a Low-cost Tactile Robotic Sleeve for Autonomous Endoscopes and CathetersMeasurement and Control, 14 pages
    DOI: 10.1177/0020294019895303
  • Raatz, A.; Blankemeyer, S.; Recker, T.; Pischke, D.; Nyhuis, P. (2020): Task scheduling method for HRC workplaces based on capabilities and execution time assumptions for robotsCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2020, Vol. 69/1, pp 13-16 (4 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2020.04.030
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2018): Design methodology for electrocaloric cooling systemsEnergy Technology, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Vol. 6, pp. 1560-1566
    DOI: 10.1002/ente.201800139
    ISBN: ISSN 2194-4296
  • Boyraz, P.; Runge, G.; Raatz, A. (2018): An Overview of Novel Actuators for Soft RoboticsActuators 2018, 7(3), 48 (21 pages)
    DOI: 10.3390/act7030048
  • Bruns, C.; Micke-Camuz, M.; Bohne, F.; Raatz, A. (2018): Process design and modelling methods for automated handling and draping strategies for composite componentsCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2018, Vol. 67/1, pp 1-4
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2018.04.014
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Pischke, D.; Recker, T.; Blankemeyer, S.; Oubari, A.; Raatz, A. (2018): Prozessspezifische Aufgabenzuordnung im MRK-Systemwt-online 9-2018, S. 592-596 (5 pages)
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2018-09-28
    ISSN: 1436-4980
  • Preller, T.; Runge-Borchert, G.; Zellmer, S.; Menzel, D.; Saein, S. A.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A.; Tiersch, B.; Koetz, J.; Garnweitner, G (2018): Particle-reinforced and functionalized hydrogels for SpineMan, a soft robotics applicationJournal of Materials Science 54 (7553), pp. 4444-4456
    DOI: 10.1007/s10853-018-3106-6
  • Runge, G.; Raatz, A. (2017): A framework for the automated design and modelling of soft robotic systemsCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2017, Vol. 66/1, pp. 9-12, (4 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2017.04.104
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Blumenthal, P.; Molin, C.; Gebhardt, S.; Raatz, A. (2016): Active electrocaloric demonstrator for direct comparison of PMN-PT bulk and multilayer samplesFerroelectrics, 497:1, pp. 1-8
    DOI: 10.1080/00150193.2016.1160466
  • Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2016): Classification of electrocaloric cooling device typesEPL (Europhysics Letters), 2016, Vol. 115(1):17004, (7 pages) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/115/17004
  • Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2016): A new method for combining handling systems with passive orientation devicesCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2016, Vol. 65/1, pp. 49-52, (4 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2016.04.028
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Busch, J.; Blankemeyer, S.; Raatz, A.; Nyhuis, P. (2016): Implementation and testing of a genetic algorithm for a self-learning and automated parameterisation of an aerodynamic feeding systemProcedia CIRP 44 (2016) pp. 79-84, (6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Gothenburg, Sweden), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.081
    ISBN: 2212-8271
  • Krebs, D.; Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2016): Simulation and Design of an Orientation Mechanism for Assembly SystemsProcedia CIRP 44 (2016) pp. 245-250 (6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.122
    ISBN: 2212-8271
  • Neudecker, S.; Bruns, C.; Gerbers, R.; Heyn, J.; Dietrich, F.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A.; Kloft, H. (2016): A New Robotic Spray Technology for Generative Manufacturing of Complex Concrete Structures Without FormworkProcedia CIRP 43 (2016) pp. 333–338, (14th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT), Gothenburg, Sweden), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.107
  • Wolff, J.; Yan, M.; Schultz, M.; Raatz, A. (2016): Reduction of Disassembly Forces for Detaching Components with Solidified Assembly ConnectionsProcedia CIRP 44 (2016) pp. 79-84 (6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.006
    ISBN: 2212-8271
  • Borchert, G.; Battistelli, M.; Runge, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): Analysis of the mass distribution of a functionally extended delta robotJournal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, Vol. 31, pp. 111-120 (10 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2014.08.003
  • Busch, J.; Quirico, M.; Richter, L.; Schmidt, M.; Raatz, A.; Nyhuis, P. (2015): A genetic algorithm for a self-learning parameterization of an aerodynamic part feeding system for high-speed assemblyCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2015, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 5-8 (4 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2015.04.044
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Runge, G.; Borchert, G.; Henke, P.; Raatz, A. (2015): Design and Testing of a 2-DOF Ball DriveJournal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2015 (19 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/s10846-015-0247-6
  • Wolff, J.; Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): Demontage bei verfestigten VerbindungenWerkstattstechnik online 09/15, S. 604-609
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2015-09
    ISSN: 1436-4980
  • Herrmann, C.; Raatz, A.; Andrew, S.; Schmitt, J. (2014): Scenario-based Development of Disassembly Systems for Automotive Lithium Ion Battery SystemsAdvances in Science and Technology, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2014, Vol. 907, pp. 391-401
    DOI: 10.4028/
    ISBN: 978-3-03835-053-8
    ISSN: 1662-8985
  • Schmitt, J.; Raatz, A. (2014): Failure Mode Based Design and Optimization of the Electrode Packaging Process for Large Scale Battery CellsAdvances in Science and Technology, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2014, Vol. 907, pp. 309-319
    DOI: 10.4028/
    ISBN: 978-3-03835-053-8
  • Schmitt, J.; Raatz, A.; Dietrich, F. Dröder, K.; Hesselbach, J. (2014): Process and performance optimization by selective assembly of battery electrodesCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2014, Vol. 63 (1), pp. 9-12
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2014.03.018
    ISBN: 0007-8506
  • Wegener, K.; Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2014): Development of a miniaturized clamping device driven by magnetic shape memory alloysJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, SAGE, 2014, Vol. 25 (9), pp. 1062-1068 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13505784
  • Borchert, G.; Löchte, C.; Carbone, G.; Raatz, A. (2013): A modular design kit for task-adaptable low-cost robots based on BaPaMan designFrontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Heidelberg, vol. 8, pp. 33–41
    DOI: 10.1007/s11465-013-0356-5
    ISBN: ISSN 2095-0241
  • Carbone, G.; D'Aliesio, E.; Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2013): Design and validation of the binary actuated parallel manipulator BAPAMAN2Int. Journal Advanced Robotics, Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2013, pp. 1-11, (11 pages) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2013.804800
  • Dietrich, F.; Maaß, J.; Raatz, A. (2013): Computationally Efficient Adaption of the Window Size of Discrete Position DifferentiatorsIEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE, 2013, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 1377-1384 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2012.2201495
    ISSN: 1083-4435
  • Dietrich, F.; Maaß, J.; Steiner, J.; Hagner, M.; Goltz, U.; Raatz, A. (2013): Dynamic Distribution of Robot Control Components under Hard Realtime Constraints - Modelling, Experimental Results and Practical ConsiderationsJournal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier, 2013, Vol. 59 (10), pp. 1047-1066 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.sysarc.2012.12.001
  • Boldering, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): An active tool holding deviceProduction Engineering, Springer, 2012, Vol. 6, pp. 513-520 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/s11740-012-0402-x
  • Dietrich, F.; Löchte, C.; Jeschke, S.; Raatz, A. (2012): An agent-based concept for planning and control of the production of carbon fibre reinforced plastics aircraft structures with mobile production unitsProduction Engineering, Springer, 2012, Vol. 6 (4-5), pp. 531-539 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/s11740-012-0388-4
  • Raatz, A.; Rathmann, S.; Hesselbach, J. (2012): Process development for the assembly of microsystems with hot melt adhesivesCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2012, Vol. 61 (1), pp. 5-8 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2012.03.104
    ISBN: 0007-8506
  • Rolfs, K.; Chmielus, M.; Guldbakke, J. M.; Wimpory, R.; Raatz, A.; Petry, W.; Müllner, P.; Schneider, R. (2012): Key Properties of Ni-Mn-Ga based Single Crystals grown with SLARE techniqueAdvanced Engineering Materials, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2012, Vol. 14 (8), pp. 614-635 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200065
    ISSN: 1527-2648
  • Schlüter, K.; Holz, B.; Raatz, A. (2012): Principle Design of Actuators Driven by Magnetic Shape Memory AlloysAdvanced Engineering Materials, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2012, pp. 682-686 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200078
    ISBN: 10.1002/adem.201200078
    ISSN: 1527-2648
  • Schmitt, J.; Inkermann, D.; Stechert, C.; Raatz, A.; Vietor, T. (2012): Requirement oriented reconfiguration of parallel robotic systemsRobotic Systems-Applications, Control and Programming, InTech, pp. 387-410 Weitere Informationen
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2012): Adapted task configuration of a reconfigurable binary parallel robot with PRRRP structureRobotica, Cambridge University Press, 2012, Vol. 31 , No. 2 , pp. 285-293 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1017/S0263574712000240
    ISSN: 0263-5747
  • Blumenthal, P.; Hemken, G.; Raatz, A. (2011): Klebspannen von komplexen miniaturisierten WerkstückenMikroproduktion, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2011, Ausgabe 04/11, S. 44-47
    ISSN: 1614-4538
  • Borchert, G.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2011): APIS - A Miniaturized Robot for Precision Assembly with Low-Cost Piezoelectric MotorsInternational Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Springer, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, 2011, pp. 629-634 (6 pages) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/s12541-011-0081-0
    ISSN: 1229-8557
  • Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2011): Investigation and strategies for precision of miniaturized robots with micro gearsJournal of Assembly Automation, Emerald, 2011, 31/4, pp. 319-328 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1108/01445151111172899
    ISSN: 0144-5154
  • Löchte, C.; Schmaljohann, F.; Raatz, A. (2011): Mikroantriebe mit HebelwirkungMikroproduktion, MIKROvent GmbH, 2011, 41944, S. 54-87
    ISSN: 1614-4538
  • Guldbakke, J. M.; Chmielus, M.; Rolfs, K.; Schneider, R.; Müllner, P.; Raatz, A. (2010): Magnetic, mechanical and fatigue properties of a Ni45.4Mn29.1Ga21.6Fe3.9 single crystalScripta Materialia, Elsevier, 2010, Vol. 62 (11), pp. 875-878
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2010.02.032
    ISBN: 1359-6462
  • Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Singularity-based calibration—a novel approach for absolute-accuracy enhancement of parallel robotsRobot manipulators new achievements, pp. 93-106 Weitere Informationen
  • Pisla, D.; Plitea, N.; Vaida, C.; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Vlad, L.; Graur, F.; Gyurka, B.; Gherman, B.; Suciu, M. (2010): PARAMIS parallel robot for laparoscopic surgeryChirurgia, unbekannt, 2010, Vol. 105 (5), pp. 677-683
  • Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Pisla, D.; Raatz, A.; Gherman, B; Vaida, C. (2009): Dynamic Analysis and Design of a Surgical Parallel Robot Used in LaparoscopyJournal of Vibroengineering , Vibromechanika, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009, 41681, pp. 215-225
    ISSN: 1392-8716
  • Simnofske, M.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2009): Design process for adaptronic machine toolsProduction Engineering (Online), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (, 2009, Vol. 3, Nr. 4 (2009), pp. 461-468
    DOI: 10.1007/s11740-009-0178-9
    ISSN: 0944-6524
  • Dietrich, F.; Rathmann, S.; Repenning, A.; Raatz, A. (2008): Aktiv beheiztes Wärmeführungskonzept für die Montage von SMD mit Schmelzklebstoffenwt-online, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, vol. 11/12, 39793, pp. 969-973
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2008-11-12-969
    ISSN: 1436-4980
  • Maaß, J.; Molkenstruck, S.; Thomas, U.; Hesselbach, J.; Wahl, F.; Raatz, A. (2008): Definition and execution of a generic assembly programming paradigmAssembly Automation, Emerald, 2008, 41667, Vol. 28/1, pp. 61-68
    DOI: 10.1108/01445150810849028
    ISSN: 0144-5154
  • Rolfs, K.; Mecklenburg, A.; Guldbakke, J.-M.; Wimpory, R.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Schneider, R. C. (2008): Crystal Quality Boosts Responsiveness of Magnetic Shape Memory Single CrystalsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 1112-1117
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.10.023
    ISSN: 0304-8853
  • Schoettler, K.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Size-adapted Parallel and Hybrid Parallel Robots for Sensor Guided Micro AssemblyHuapeng Wu (Ed), Parallel Manipulators, towards New Applications, I-Tech Education and Publishing
    DOI: 10.5772/5433
  • Wagner, M.; Rathmann, S.; Vogt, M.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Böhm, S. (2008): Fügen hybrider Mikrosysteme unter Verwendung bauteilintegrierter KlebhilfenWerkstattstechnik wt-online, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, 41984, pp. 961-968
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2008-11-12-961
    ISSN: 1436-4980
  • Burisch, A.; Wrege, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Degen, R. (2007): PARVUS - miniaturised robot for improved flexibility in micro productionJournal of Assembly Automation, Emerald, 2007, 27 Nr. 1, pp. 65-73
    DOI: 10.1108/01445150710724720
    ISSN: 0144-5154
  • Hesselbach, J.; Wrege, J.; Raatz, A. (2007): Micro Handling Devices Supported by Electrostatic ForcesCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology , Elsevier B.V., 2007, Vol. 56/1, 2007, pp. 45-48
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2007.05.013
    ISSN: 0007-8506
  • Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): Innovative Ansätze zur Kalibrierung von IndustrieroboternZeitschrift für wissenschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (ZWF), Hanser Verlag, München, 2007, 3, 134-138
    DOI: 10.3139/104.101116
  • Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Pisla, D.; Raatz, A.; Vaida, C.; Simnofske, M.; Prodan, B.; Burisch, A.; Vidrean, A. (2007): Modeling of Parallel Microrobots with Two to Six Degrees of FreedomActa Technica Napocensis, Series: Machines Construction. Materials, Editura U.T. PRES Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 50, 42614, pp. 9-16
    ISSN: 1224-9106
  • Schöttler, K.; Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): Auf dem Weg zur hochgenauen Mikromontagewt Werkstattstechnik online, Springer VDI Verlag, 2007, 41984, pp. 857-861
    DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2007-11-12-857
    ISSN: 1436-4980
  • Hesselbach, J.; Pisla, D.; Raatz, A.; Vaida, C.; Wrege, J.; Burisch, A. (2006): Innovative Development of Parallel Robots and MicrorobotsActa Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 2006, Vol. 49/V, pp. 15-26
    ISSN: 1221-5872
  • Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Wrege, J.; Plitea, N. (2005): High Precision Compliant Parallel RobotProduction Engineering. Research and Development, WGP, 2005, XII/1, 197-202
    ISBN: 978-3-9807670-6-4
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Kunzmann, H. (2004): Performance of Pseudo-Elastic Flexure Hinges in Parallel Robots for Micro-Assembly TasksCIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier B.V., 2004, 53/1, pp. 239-332
    DOI: 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)60709-4
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Herrmann, H.; Illenseer, S.; Weule, H.; Fleischer, J.; Buchholz, C.; Knoll, M.; Elsner, J.; Tritschler, H.; Klocke, F.; Weck, M.; von Bodenhausen, J.; von Klitzing, A. (2004): International State of the Art of Micro Production TechnologyProduction Engineering - Research and Development, WGP e.V., Braunschweig, 2004, Volume XI, Issue 1, pp. 29-36
    ISBN: 978-3-9807670-4-0
  • Hesselbach, J.; Wrege, J.; Raatz, A.; Becker, O. (2004): Aspects on Design of High Precision Parallel RobotsJournal of Assembly Automation, Emerald, 2004, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 49-57
    DOI: 10.1108/01445150410517183
    ISSN: 0144-5154
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Herrmann, H.; Weule, H.; Buchholz, C.; Tritschler, H.; Knoll, M.; Elsner, J.; Klocke, F.; Weck, M.; Bodenhausen, J. von; Klitzing, A.von (2003): mikroPRO - Untersuchung zum internationalen Stand der Mikroproduktionstechnikwt Werkstattstechnik online, Springer-VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2003, Jahrgang 93, H. 3, pp. 119-128
  • Carbone, G; Kerle, H.; Raatz, A.; Ceccarelli, M. (2001): Design and Experimental Validation of a MicrogripperJournal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Fuji Technology Press Ltd, Tokyo, 2001, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 319-325

Beiträge in Büchern (reviewed)

  • Blankemeyer, S.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A. (2023): Hardwareseitige MRK-SystemgestaltungHandbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration: Rainer Müller, Jörg Franke, Dominik Henrich, Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Annika Raatz, Alexander Verl. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH, München, 2. aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, S. 37-72
    DOI: 10.3139/9783446474604.001
    ISBN: 978-3-446-47411-6
  • Runge-Borchert, G.; Wiese, M.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A. (2023): Soft RoboticsHandbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration: Rainer Müller, Jörg Franke, Dominik Henrich, Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Annika Raatz, Alexander Verl. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH, München, 2. aktualisierte Auflage, 2023, S. 455-469
    DOI: 10.3139/9783446474604.009
    ISBN: 978-3-446-47411-6
  • Beuscher, J. P.; Bohne, F.; Bruns, C.; Raatz, A.; Micke-Camuz, M.; Müller, A.; Kühn, M.; Schnurr, R. (2020): Stand der Technik (Kap 2)Dröder K. (eds) Prozesstechnologie zur Herstellung von FVK-Metall-Hybriden. Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau; Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 7-34
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60680-3_3
    ISBN: 978-3-662-60680-3
  • Bruns, C.; Raatz, A.; Kuolt, H. (2020): Aktive Materialführung und automatisierte Handhabung (Kap. 8)Dröder K. (Eds) Prozesstechnologie zur Herstellung von FVK-Metall-Hybriden. Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg; S. 73-87
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60680-3_8
    ISBN: 978-3-662-60680-3
  • Bruns, C.; Raatz, A.; Kuolt, H. (2020): Aktive Materialführung und automatisierte Handhabung: Entwicklung einer automatisierten Thermoprozesskette mit aktiver MaterialführungDröder, K. (eds) Prozesstechnologie zur Herstellung von FVK-Metall-Hybriden. Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 73–87
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60680-3_8
    ISBN: 978-3-662-60679-7
  • Fiebig, S.; Glaubitz, F.; Beims, A.; Müller, A.; Beuscher, J. P.; Bohne, F.; Micke-Camuz, M.; Behrens, B.-A.; Bruns, C.; Raatz, A. (2020): Bauteilherstellung: Untersuchung der gesamten Prozesskette zur BauteilherstellungDröder, K. (eds) Prozesstechnologie zur Herstellung von FVK-Metall-Hybriden. Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60680-3_15
    ISBN: 978-3-662-60679-7
  • Garcia Morales, D. S.; Ibrahim, S.; Cao, B.-H.; Raatz, A. (2020): Design and Characterization of a 3D Printed Soft Pneumatic ActuatorPisla D., Corves B., Vaida C. (eds) New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. EuCoMeS 2020. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 89, pp. 488-495. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55061-5_55
    ISBN: 978-3-030-55061-5
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A. (2019): Hardwareseitige MRK-SystemgestaltungHandbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration: Rainer Müller, Jörg Franke, Dominik Henrich, Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Annika Raatz, Alexander Verl. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH, München, 2019, S. 37-70
    DOI: 10.3139/9783446453760.002
    ISBN: 978-3-446-45016-5
  • Runge-Borchert, G.; Wiese, M.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A. (2019): Entwicklungsrichtungen für aktuelle und zukünftige Anwendungen: Soft RoboticsIn: Handbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration: Rainer Müller, Jörg Franke, Dominik Henrich, Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Annika Raatz, Alexander Verl. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH, München, 2019, S. 429-442
    DOI: 10.3139/9783446453760.009
    ISBN: 978-3-446-45016-5
  • Wiese, M.; Runge-Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2019): Optimization of Neural Network Hyperparameters for Modeling of Soft Pneumatic Actuators.Carbone G., Ceccarelli M., Pisla D. (eds) New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 65. Springer, Cham, pp. 199-206
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00329-6_23


  • Schüppstuhl, T.; Tracht, K.; Raatz, A. (eds) (2022): Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74032-0
    ISBN: 978-3-030-74032-0
  • Müller, R.; Franke, J.; Henrich, D.; Kuhlenkötter, B.; Raatz, A.; Verl, A. (Hrsg.) (2019): Handbuch Mensch-Roboter-KollaborationCarl Hanser Verlag, München, 2019 (770 Seiten)
    ISBN: 978-3-446-45016-5
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Wahl, F. M. (2008): Robotic Systems for Handling and AssemblyRobotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2008, 3. Ausgabe
    ISBN: 978-3-8322-7129-9
    ISSN: 1431-7222
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Herrmann, H.; Wenda, A.; Weule, H.; Buchholz, C.; Tritschler, H.; Simon, M.; Klocke, F.; Weck, M.; von Klitzing, A.; von Bodenhausen, J. (2002): mikroPRO - Untersuchung zum internationalen Stand der MikroproduktionstechnikVulkan-Verlag, Essen, 2002, 189
    ISBN: 978-3-8027-8669-3

Beiträge in Büchern

  • Blümel, R.; Raatz, A. (2024): Adaptable and Component-Protecting Disassembly in the Regeneration Pathin: Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods, Springer International Publishing, p. 69-93
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51395-4_5
    ISBN: 9783031513954
  • Raatz, A; Wiese, M. (2019): Soft robotics: The deformation and movement of soft componentsNew MOVE: Schumacher, M.; Vogt, M.-M.; Cordón Krumme L. A., Birkhäuser, 2019, Kap. 2.5, S. 44-45
    DOI: 10.1515/9783035613629-014
  • Raatz, A.; Blankemeyer, S.; Runge, G.; Bruns, C.; Borchert, G. (2015): Opportunities and Challenges for the Design of Inherently Safe RobotsSoft Robotics - Transferring Theory to Application, Springer, pp. 173-183 (11 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-44506-8_15
    ISBN: 978-3-662-44505-1
  • Dietrich, F.; Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2014): Automated Manipulation in Medical and Biotechnological Lab ApplicationsPisla, D.; Bleuler, H.; Rodic, A.; Vaida, C.; Pisla, A.: New Trends in Medical and Service Robots, Springer, 2014, pp. 103-115 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01592-7_8
    ISBN: 978-3-319-01592-7
  • Boldering, A.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): Automatisierte Systemidentifikation einer Schleifmaschine mithilfe einer aktiven WerkzeugaufnahmeHoffmeister, H.-W.; Denkena, B.: Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, 2013, Vol. 66, pp. 254-269
    ISBN: 978-3-8027-2971-3
  • Raatz, A.; Ellwood, J. (2012): Microgrippers and their Influence on High Precision Assembly ProcessesCarbone, G.: Grasping in Robotics, Springer, 2012, Vol. 10, pp. 411–431 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4664-3_16
    ISBN: 978-1-4471-4663-6
  • Raatz, A.; Löchte, C.; Burisch, A.; Wrege, J.; Hesselbach, J. (2012): MikromontageLotter, B.; Wiendahl, H.-P.: Montage in der industriellen Produktion - Optimierte Abläufe, rationelle Automatisierung, Springer, Berlin u.a., 2012, 2. Auflage, pp. 443-471 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-3-642-29060-2
  • Schütz, D.; Ellwood, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2012): Type Synthesis of Binary Actuated Parallel MechanismsLenarcic, Jardan; Husty, Manfred: Latest Advances in Robot Kinematics, Springer, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2012, pp. 131-138 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4620-6_17
    ISBN: 978-94-007-4619-0
  • Boldering, A.; Simnofske, M.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): Schleifmaschine mit adaptronisch erhöhter statischer und dynamischer SteifigkeitHesselbach, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Adaptronik für Werkzeugmaschinen; Forschung in Deutschland, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2011, S. 46-66
    ISBN: 978-3-8322-9809-8
  • Burisch, A.; Deumlich, S.; Degen, R.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): Microassembly Following the Desktop Factory ConceptBüttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J.: Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems, Springer, Microtechnology and MEMS series, Berlin u.a., 2011, pp. 393-409
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12903-2_22
    ISBN: 978-3-642-12902-5
  • Ellwood, J.; Burisch, A.; Schöttler, K.; Pokar, G.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): Size-Adapted Manipulation Robots for MicroassemblyBüttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J.: Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems, Springer, Microtechnology and MEMS series, Berlin u.a., 2011, pp. 269-286
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12903-2_15
    ISBN: 978-3-642-12902-5
  • Hoxhold, B.; Wrege, J.; Bütefisch, S.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Büttgenbach, S. (2011): Tools for Handling and Assembling of MicropartsBüttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J.: Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems, Springer, Microtechnology and MEMS series, Berlin u.a., 2011, pp. 287-308
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12903-2_16
    ISBN: 978-3-642-12902-5
  • Rathmann, S.; Ellwood, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): Design of a Microassembly Process Based on Hot Melt AdhesivesBüttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J.: Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems, Springer, Microtechnology and MEMS series, Berlin u.a., 2011, 345-364
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12903-2_19
    ISBN: 978-3-642-12902-5
  • Rathmann, S.; Hansen, S.; Raatz, A.; Gatzen, H. H. (2011): Design of an Automated Assembly for Micro and Nano ActuatorsBüttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J.: Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems, Springer, Microtechnology and MEMS series, Berlin u.a., 2011, pp. 365-371
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12903-2_20
    ISBN: 978-3-642-12902-5
  • Budde, C.; Helm, M.; Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Configuration Switching for Workspace EnlargementSchütz, Daniel; Wahl, Friedrich: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Springer-Verlag, Star Series, Berlin u.a., 2010, pp. 175-189
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16785-0_11
    ISBN: 978-3-642-16784-3
  • Dietrich, F.; Maaß, J.; Bier, C.; Pietsch, I.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Detection and Avoidance of Singularities in Parallel Kinematic MachinesSchütz, Daniel; Wahl, Friedrich: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Springer-Verlag, Star Series, Berlin u.a., 2010, pp. 77-92
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16785-0_5
    ISBN: 978-3-642-16784-3
  • Dietrich, F.; Maaß, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): RCA562: Control Architecture for Parallel Kinematic RobotsSchütz, Daniel; Wahl, Friedrich: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Springer- Verlag , Star Series , Berlin u.a., 2010, pp. 315-331
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16785-0_18
    ISBN: 978-3-642-16784-3
  • Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Calibration of Parallel Kinematic Structures - Overview, Classification and ComparisonSchütz, Daniel; Wahl, Friedrich: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Springer-Verlag, Star Series, Berlin u.a., 2010, pp. 93-106
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16785-0_6
    ISBN: 978-3-642-16784-3
  • Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Simnofske, M.; Boldering, A. (2010): Einsatz aktiver Module zur statischen und dynamischen SteifigkeitserhöhungHoffmeister, H.-W.; Denkena, B.: Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, 2010, 64. Ausgabe, S. 192-203
    ISBN: 978-3-8027-2954-6
  • Schütz, D.; Budde, C.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Parallel Kinematic Structures of the SFB 562Schütz, Daniel; Wahl, Friedrich M.: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 109-124
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16785-0_7
    ISBN: 978-3-642-16784-3
  • Hesselbach, J.; Kerle, H.; Krefft, M.; Raatz, A. (2008): Optimale Dimensionierung von Parallelkinematiken für FertigungsmaschinenHeisel, Uwe; Weule, Hartmut: Fertigungsmaschinen mit Parallelkinematiken - Forschung in Deutschland, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2008, pp. 75-95
    ISBN: 978-3-8322-7203-6
    ISSN: 0945-0769
  • Hesselbach, J.; Wrege, J.; Raatz, A. (2006): MikromontageLotter, B.; Wiendahl, H.-P.: Montage in der industriellen Produktion - Optimierte Abläufe, rationelle Automatisierung, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2006, S. 463-481
    DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36669-5_16
    ISBN: 978-3-540-21413-7
  • Hesselbach, J.; Wrege, J.; Raatz, A.; Heuer, K.; Soetebier, S. (2005): Microassembly - Approaches to Meet the Requirements of AccuracyLöhe, Detlef; Haußelt, Jürgen: Advanced Micro & Nanosystems, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2005, Vol. 4, pp. 475-498
    DOI: 10.1002/9783527616732.ch5
    ISBN: 978-3-527-31493-5
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Soetebier, S. (2003): Innovative Lösungen für die automatisierte Montage miniaturisierter ProdukteReinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Marktchance Individualisierung, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, S. 345-353
    ISBN: 978-3-540-00594-0

Konferenz (reviewed)

  • Munjal, C.; Galinari, P.E.A.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A.; Maji, S. (2025): Continuous Freezing of Gait Detection with TinyML on Embedded Systems2025 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON)
  • Sebastian Blankemeyer, David Wendorff, Annika Raatz (2025): A Point-and-Click Augmented Reality Approach Towards Pose Estimation for Robot ProgrammingHRI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
    DOI: 10.5555/3721488.3721657
  • Sebastian Blankemeyer, David Wendorff, Annika Raatz (2025): Robotic Evaluation Framework for 6D Object Pose Estimation Accuracy57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2025 (CMS 2025)
  • Blümel, R., Raatz, A. (2024): Development and Validation of a Model for Operationally Seized Bolted Joints for the Research on Gentle Bolt DisassemblyProcedia CIRP, Vol. 122, Elsevier BV
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.01.073
  • Dielemans, G.; Lachmayer, L.; Khader, N.; Hack, N.; Raatz, A.; Dörfler, A. (2024): Robotic Repair: In-Place 3D Printing for Repair of Building Components Using a Mobile RobotSpringer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-64269-2_20
  • Gerland S.; Janthur F.-L.; Seffer S.; Hermsdorf J.; Overmeyer L.; Raatz A. (2024): Influence of the metal oxide layer and its surface pretreatment on the strength of adhesive jointsProceedings of the 14th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), Chemnitz (accepted)
  • Malte Springer, Tobias Recker, Tobias Recker, Daniel Schütz, Annika Raatz (2024): Design of a 6 DoF Multi-Robot Platform for Automated Multistory Valet Parking2024 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM) Weitere Informationen
  • Peters, J. ;Licher, J. ; Hensen, B. ; Wacker, F.; Raatz, A. (2024): Soft Robotic Actuator Leveraging Switchable Strain-Limiting Structures for Tumor Biopsy and Ablation in MRIIEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)
    DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft60065.2024.10521966
  • Peters, J.; Licher, J.; Hensen, B.; Wacker, F.; Raatz, A. (2024): Soft Robotic Actuator Leveraging Switchable Strain-Limiting Structures for Tumor Biopsy and Ablation in MRI2024 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) Weitere Informationen
  • Richard Blümel, Annika Raatz (2024): Concept for a disassembly tool for adaptable and gentle disassembly of seized threaded fasteners34th CIRP Design Conference, Procedia CIRP , Vol. 128
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.04.028
  • Sourkounis, C. M.; Garcia Morales, D. S.; Kwasnitschka, T.; Raatz, A. (2024): Exploring the Deep Sea: Combining a Bistable Mechanism with Origami-Inspired Soft ActuatorsIEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft); San Diego, CA, USA
    DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft60065.2024.10521929
  • Sourkounis, C. M.; Garcia Morales, D. S.; Kwasnitschka, T.; Raatz, A. (2024): Hard Shell, Soft Core: Binary Actuators for Deep-Sea Applications2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); Yokohama, Japan
    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10610349
  • Sourkounis, C. M.; Kwasnitschka, T.; Raatz, A. (2024): Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot for Deep-Sea Application2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); Yokohama, Japan
    DOI: 10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10611177
  • Terei, N.; Wiemann, R.; Raatz, A. (2024): ROS-Based Control of an Industrial Micro-Assembly Robot57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2024 (CMS 2024); Póvoa de Vazim, Portugal
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.10.184
  • Terei, N.; Wiemann, R.; Raatz, A. (2024): Accelerating Micro-Assembly Process Implementation by a CAD-Based Control Interface2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024); Bari, Italy
    DOI: 10.1109/CASE59546.2024.10711593
  • Tobias Recker, Henrik Lurz, Lukas Lachmayer and Annika Raatz (2024): A Comparative Analysis of Different Semi-Rigid Formation Geometries Regarding Multi-Robot Cooperative Object Transport for Large-Scale ObjectsIEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) Weitere Informationen
  • Wiemann, R.; Niklas, T.; Raatz, A. (2024): Large Language Model for Assisted Robot Programming in Micro-Assembly57th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2024 (CMS 2024); Póvoa de Vazim, Portugal
  • Wiemann, R.; Niklas, T.; Raatz, A. (2024): Towards Autonomous Programming of Micro-Assembly Robotics10th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS 2024); Karslruhe, Germany
  • Wiemann, R.; Terei, N.; Raatz, A. (2024): Large Language Model for Intuitive Control of Robots in Micro-Assembly2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2024); Bari, Italy
    DOI: 10.1109/CASE59546.2024.10711830
  • Behrens, B.-A.; Raatz, A.; Hübner, S.; Farahmand, E.; Albracht, L.; Fünfkirchler, T.; Yarcu, S.; Schumann, C.; Wehmeyer, J. (2023): Process chain for forming and consolidating fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and metallic sheets in a two-stage isothermal toolIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1284, 42nd Conference of the International Deep Drawing Research Group 19/06/2023 - 22/06/2023 Luleå, Sweden
    DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1284/1/012002
  • Blümel, R.; García Morales, D. S.; Raatz, A. (2023): Development of a Gripper for component-friendly Handling of Complex Capital Goods2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)
    DOI: 10.1109/robosoft55895.2023.10122070
  • Blümel, R.; Raatz, A. (2023): Towards Early Damage Detection during the Disassembly of Threaded Fasteners using Machine LearningProcedia CIRP, Vol. 116, Pages 480-485
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.081
  • Blümel, R.; Zander, N.; Blankemeyer, S.; Raatz, A. (2023): Prediction of Disassembly Parameters for Process Planning Based on Machine LearningLiewald, M.; Verl, A.; Bauernhansl, T.; Möhring, HC. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2022. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-18318-8_61
  • Ince, C.-V.; Blümel, R.; Raatz, A. (2023): Concept for a resource-efficient process chain for hybrid bulk components with optimized energy utilizationProcedia CIRP, 116 (2023), pp 732-737
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.123
  • Ince, C.-V.; Katz, F.; Raatz, A. (2023): Comparative investigation of partial cooling methods for induction heating of hybrid bulk components for hot formingMaterials Research Proceedings 28 (2023), pp 1083-1090
    DOI: 10.21741/9781644902479-119
  • Jahn, P.; Gregor, P.; Raatz, A.; (2023): Movement Simulation and Analysis of a Compliant Parallel Robot under Cryogenic Working ConditionsOkada, M. (eds) Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science. IFToMM WC 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 148. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-45770-8_86
    ISBN: 978-3-031-45769-2
    ISSN: 2211-0984
  • Kolditz, T.; Hentschel, J.; Raatz, A. (2023): Analyzing Natural Resting Aspects of Arbitrary Components Using a Physics EngineSchüppstuhl, T., Tracht, K., Fleischer, J. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022. Springer, Cham.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10071-0_13
    ISBN: 978-3-031-10070-3
  • Lachmayer L.; Müller N.; Herlyn T.; Raatz A. (2023): Volume flow-based process control for robotic additive manufacturing processes in construction2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260620
  • Lurz, H.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A. (2023): Comparison of Global Path Planning Algorithms regarding Multi Mobile Robot Object Transport RequirementsProceedings of the 8th MHI Colloquium 2023, Chemnitz (accepted)
  • Peters, J.; Sourkounis, C. M.; Wiese, M.; Kwasnitschka, T.; Raatz, A. (2023): Single Channel Soft Robotic Actuator Leveraging Switchable Strain-Limiting Structures for Deep-Sea Suction Sampling2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, pp. 6484-6490
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS55552.2023.10341262
  • Recker, T.; Prophet, S.; Raatz, A. (2023): Time-Efficient Path Planning for Semi-Rigid Multi-Robot Formations2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1-7 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260434
  • Schlockermann, K.; Peters, J.; Hensen, B.; Löning C., J. J.; Wacker, F.; Raatz, A. (2023): Soft Robot Assistance for Tumor Biopsy and Ablation in Magnetic Resonance ImagingNew Trends in Medical and Service Robotics. MESROB 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 133. Springer Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32446-8_1
    ISBN: 978-3-031-32445-1
    ISSN: 2211-0984
  • Stucki, M.; Binnemann, L.; Terei N.; Wiemann, R.; Raatz, A. (2023): Challenges in Establishing and Measuring Performance Criteria of industrial Robots – Accuracy and RepeatabilityIn: Bauernhansl, T., Verl, A., Liewald, M., Möhring, HC. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2023. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47394-4_23
    ISBN: 978-3-031-47394-4
  • Terei, N.; Binnemann, L.; Raatz, A. (2023): Novel Concept for Micro-Assembly of Optical Devices Using a Planar Motor SystemProceedings of the 8th MHI Colloquium 2023, Chemnitz
    DOI: 10.15488/16411
  • Velazquez-Flores, K.G.; Garcia-Morales, D.S.; Sandoval-Castro, X.Y.; Castillo-Castaneda, E.; Raatz, A. (2023): Kinematic Model and Numerical Evaluation of an Origami-Inspired Soft Pneumatic ActuatorLaribi, M.A., Nelson, C.A., Ceccarelli, M., Zeghloul, S. (eds) New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications. MeTrApp 2023. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 124. Springer, Cham.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29815-8_9
    ISBN: 978-3-031-29814-1
  • Wehmeyer, J.; Fünfkirchler, T.; Hübner, S.; Schumann, C.; Raatz, A.; Behrens, B-A. (2023): Investigation of the Process Limits for Hybrid Parts Made of Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics and Metallic Sheets Produced with a Two-Stage Isothermal Forming and Consolidating ToolIn: Bauernhansl, T., Verl, A., Liewald, M., Möhring, HC. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2023. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47394-4_64
  • Berthold, R; Wiese, M.; Raatz, A. (2022): Investigation of Lateral Compression Effects in Fiber Reinforced Soft Pneumatic Actuators2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Maldives, pp. 1-7
    DOI: 10.1109/ICECCME55909.2022.9988565
  • Blümel, R.; Raatz, A. (2022): Research on Gentle Loosening of Solidified Bolted Joints for Complex Capital GoodsThe 29th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), Vol. 105, 2022, pp. 541-546
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.090
  • Böhler D.; Mai I.; Freund N.; Lachmayer L.; Raatz A.; Lowke D. (2022): Influence of Material and Process Parameters on Hardened State Properties of Shotcrete 3D-Printed ElementsThird RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, RILEM Bookseries, vol 37. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06116-5_38
  • Dielemans, G.; Lachmayer, L.; Recker, T.; Atanasova, L.; Hechtl, C. M.; Matthäus, C.; Raatz, A.; Dörfler, K. (2022): Mobile Additive Manufacturing: A Case Study of Clay Formwork for Bespoke in Situ Concrete ConstructionRILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, RILEM Bookseries, vol 37. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06116-5_3
  • Ekanayaka, V.; Lachmayer, L.; Raatz, A.; Hürkamp, A. (2022): Approach to optimize the interlayer waiting time in additive manufacturing with concrete utilizing FEM modelingProcedia CIRP Design, Vol. 109, pp. 562-567
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.295
  • Garcia Morales, D. S.; Jiang, Ch; Raatz, A. (2022): Sensitivity Analysis for 3D Printed Soft Pneumatic Actuators from 2D Origami Patterns to Functional SystemsIEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft), 2022, pp. 565-570
    DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft54090.2022.9762110
  • Ince, C.-V.; Geggier, J.; Raatz, A. (2022): Fin Ray gripper for handling of high temperature hybrid forging objectsProcedia CIRP, Vol. 106, 2022, Pages 114-119
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.164
  • Jahn, P; Hentschel, J; Raatz, A. (2022): Design and Analysis of a Compliant Parallel Robot with Cardan Joints for a Cryogenic Working EnvironmentAdvances in Robot Kinematics 2022
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08140-8_24
    ISBN: 978-3-031-08140-8
  • Kolditz, T.; Müller, P.; Bansmann, D.; Raatz, A. (2022): Flexible Aerodynamic Part Feeding Using High-Speed Image ProcessingBehrens BA., Brosius A., Drossel WG., Hintze W., Ihlenfeldt S., Nyhuis P. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2021. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78424-9_45
  • Kolditz, T.; Raatz, A. (2022): Aerodynamic Feeding 4.0: A New Concept for Flexible Part Feeding9th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Procedia CIRP, Volume 106, 2022, pp. 45-50
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.153
  • Lachmayer, L.; Dörrie, R.; Kloft, H.; Raatz, A. (2022): Process Control for Additive Manufacturing of Concrete ComponentsRILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, Vol. 37, pp. 351-356
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06116-5_52
  • Lachmayer, L.; Recker, T.; Dielemans, G.; Dörfler, K.; Raatz, A. (2022): Autonomous Sensing and Localization of a Mobile Robot for Multi-step Additive Manufacturing in ConstructionInt. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B1-2022, pp. 453–458
    DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B1-2022-453-2022
  • Lachmayer, L.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A. (2022): Contour Tracking Control for Mobile Robots applicable to Large-scale Assembly and Additive Manufacturing in ConstructionProcedia CIRP, Vol. 106, 2022, pp. 108-113 (9th CIRP CATS)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.163
  • Lurz, H.; Recker, T.; Raatz, A. (2022): Spline-based Path Planning and Reconfiguration for Rigid Multi-Robot Formations9th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Procedia CIRP, Vol. 106, 2022, pp. 174-179
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.174
  • Olsommer, Y.; Jahn, P.; Raatz, A.; Ihmig, F. (2022): Induktive Energieübertragung in eine kryogene UmgebungTagungsband zur deutschen Kälte- und Klimatagung 2022
    DOI: 10.15488/13370
  • Recker, T., Lurz, H.; Raatz, A. (2022): Smooth Spline-based Trajectory Planning for Semi-Rigid Multi-Robot Formations2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1417-142 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/CASE49997.2022.9926604
  • Recker, T.; Zhou, B.; Stüde, M.; Wielitzka, M.; Ortmaier, T.; Raatz, A. (2022): LiDAR-Based Localization for Formation Control of Multi-Robot SystemsSchüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Raatz A. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74032-0_30
  • Schappler, M.; Jahn, P.; Raatz, A.; Ortmaier, T. (2022): Combined Structural and Dimensional Synthesis of a Parallel Robot for Cryogenic Handling TasksSchüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Raatz A. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74032-0_6
    ISBN: 978-3-030-74031-3
  • Stucki, M.; Schumann, C.; Raatz, A. (2022): Alignment Process for Glass Substrates Using Electrostatic Self-AssemblyBehrens. B.A., Brosius. A., Drossel. W.G., Hintze. W., Ihlenfeldt S., Nyhuis. P. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2021. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78424-9_50
  • Wiese, M.; Cao, B.-H.; Raatz, A. (2022): Towards accurate modeling of modular soft pneumatic robots: from volume FEM to Cosserat rodIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 9371-9378
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981628
  • Bartholdt, M.; Wiese, M.; Schappler, M.; Spindeldreier, S.; Raatz, A (2021): A Parameter Identification Method for Static Cosserat Rod Models: Application to Soft Material Actuators with Exteroceptive SensorsIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2021, pp. 624-631
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636447
  • Berthold, R.; Bartholdt, M. N.; Wiese, M.; Kahms, S.; Spindeldreier, S.; Raatz, A. (2021): A Preliminary Study of Soft Material Robotic Modelling: Finite Element Method and Cosserat Rod Model9th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA), 2021, pp. 7-13
    DOI: 10.1109/ICCMA54375.2021.9646194
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Wiens, D.; Wiese, T.; Raatz, A.; Kara, S. (2021): Investigation of the potential for an automated disassembly process of BEV batteriesProcedia CIRP 98 (2021), pp. 559-564 (6 Seiten), (28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.01.151
  • Bluemel, R.; Raatz, A. (2021): Experimental Validation Of A Solidification Model For Automated DisassemblyHerberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proc. of the 2nd Conf. on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2021). Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2021, pp. 339-348
    DOI: 10.15488/11250
  • Ince, C.-V.; Geggier, J.; Bruns, C.; Raatz, A. (2021): Development of a Form-Flexible Handling Technology with Active Cooling for Hybrid Components in Forging ProcessesProcedia CIRP, Volume 97, 2021, Pages 27-32 (6 pages), (8th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS 2020), Greece
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.05.200
  • Jahn, P.; Ihmig, F.; Raatz, A. (2021): Design of a parallel robot with additively manufactured flexure hinges for a cryogenic work environmentProcedia CIRP 103 (2021), pp. 280-285 (6 Seiten)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.10.045
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Kolditz, T.; Hentschel, J.; Katz, F.; Raatz, A. (2021): Extended Simulation Model For An Aerodynamic Feeding SystemHerberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proc. of the 2nd Conf. on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2021). Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 244-253
    DOI: 10.15488/11252
  • Kolditz, T.; Ince, C.-V.; Raatz, A. (2021): Investigation on the Convergence of the Genetic Algorithm of an Aerodynamic Feeding System due to the Enlargement of the Solution Space9th International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS), Kitzbühel, Österreich
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72632-4_5
  • Kolditz, T.; Rochow, N.; Nyhuis, P.; Raatz, A. (2021): Batch Time Optimization for an Aerodynamic Feeding System under changing ambient conditionsProcedia CIRP, Volume 97, 2021, Pages 278-283 (6 pages), (8th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Greece
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.05.238
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Lachmayer, L.; Dörrie, R.; Kloft, H.; Raatz, A. (2021): Automated shotcrete 3D printing - Printing interruption for extended component complexity2021 Proc. of the 38th ISARC (The 38th Int. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction 2021), pp. 725-732
    DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2021/0098
  • Lachmayer, L.; Ekanayaka, V.; Hürkamp, A.; Raatz, A. (2021): Approach to an optimized printing path for additive manufacturing in construction utilizing FEM modellingProcedia CIRP 104, pp. 600-605, (6 Seiten)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.101
  • Recker, T.; Ehsan Matour, M; Raatz, A. (2021): A Simple And Modular Approach To Path Planning For Tractor-Trailer Robots Based On Modification Of Pre-Existing TrajectoriesHerberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics: CPSL 2021. Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 136-145 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.15488/11241
  • Recker, T.; Heilemann, F.; Raatz, A. (2021): Handling of Large and Heavy Objects using a Single Mobile Manipulator in Combination with a Roller BoardProcedia CIRP Volume 97 (2021) Pages 21-26, (8th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS 2020), Greece Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.05.199.
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Recker, T.; Heinrich, M.; Raatz, A. (2021): A Comparison of Different Approaches for Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots regarding Object TransportProcedia CIRP 96 (2021) pp. 248-253, CIRPe 2020 – 8th CIRP Global Web Conference – Flexible Mass Customisation Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.01.082
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Recker, T.; Heinrich, M; Raatz, A. (2021): A Hybrid Control Approach on Handling Orientation Constraints and Tracking Errors in Formation Control for Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulators20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2021, pp. 891-896 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR53236.2021.9659315
  • Sandoval-Castro, X. Y.; Garcia Morales, D. S.; Castillo-Castaneda, E.; Raatz, A. (2021): Robust 3D Printed Modular Soft Pneumatic Actuator using Origami Concept for High Contraction Soft SystemProc. Of The 5th IEEE/IFToMM Int. Conf. on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, August 12-14, 2021, Toronto, Canada (ReMAR), 2021, pp. 598-607
    DOI: 10.32920/19469876.v1
  • Stucki, M.; Schmann, C.; Raatz, A. (2021): Electrostatic Self-Assembly Technique for Parallel Precision Alignment of Optical DevicesHerberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2021). Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 468-477
    DOI: 10.15488/11255
  • Wiese, M.; Runge-Borchert, G.; Cao, B.-H.; Raatz, A. (2021): Transfer learning for accurate modeling and control of soft actuatorsIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA (virtual), pp. 51-75
    DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft51838.2021.9479300
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Wiemann, R.; Vett, U.; Recker, T.; Pischke, D.; Raatz, A. (2020): Efficient Use of Human-robot Collaboration in Packaging through Systematic Task AssignmentNyhuis, P.; Herberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2020), 2020, pp. 297-306 (10 pages)
    DOI: 10.15488/9671
  • Jahn, P.; Raatz, A. (2020): Numerical simulation and statistical analysis of a cascaded flexure hinge for use in a cryogenic working environmentIn: Schüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Henrich D. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 81-94 (14 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61755-7_8
    ISBN: 978-3-662-61754-0
  • Jahn, P.; Raatz, A. (2020): Automatisierung von Handhabungsprozessen in einer tiefkalten Arbeitsumgebung (extended abstract)Digitaler Tagungsband zur 6. IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2020
    DOI: 10.17185/duepublico/71214
    ISBN: 978-3-940402-28-8
  • Jahn, P.; Raatz, A.; Ihmig, F.; Olsommer, Y.; Biehl, M. (2020): Roboterkomponenten für den kryogenen Arbeitsraum: Entwicklung von Festkörpergelenken und monolithischen Greifersystemen für eine ParallelroboterstrukturTagungsband Deutsche Kälte‐ und Klimatagung 2020 (13 Seiten)
    DOI: 10.15488/13371
  • Kolditz, T.; Wolf, M.; Raatz, A. (2020): Correlation between Geometric Component Properties and Physical Parameters of an Aerodynamic Feeding SystemSchüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Henrich D. (eds) Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 331-344 (14 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61755-7_30
    ISBN: 978-3-662-61754-0
  • Bruns, C.; Bohne, F.; Micke-Camuz, M.; Behrens, B.-A.; Raatz, A. (2019): Heated gripper concept to optimize heat transfer of fiber-reinforced-thermoplastics in automated thermoforming processesProcedia CIRP 79 (2019), 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, pp. 331-336 (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.077
  • Ibrahim, S.; Krause, J. C.; Raatz, A. (2019): Linear and Nonlinear Low Level Control of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea (South), 2019, pp. 434-440
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOSOFT.2019.8722737
  • Krause, J. C.; Ibrahim, S.; Raatz, A. (2019): Evaluation Environment for Control Design of Soft Pneumatic ActuatorsTagungsband des 4. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter, Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 74-83, (9 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-59317-2_8
  • Mullo, S. D.; Pruna, E.; Wolff, J.; Raatz, A. (2019): A Vibration Control for Disassembly of Turbine BladesProcedia CIRP 79 (2019), 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, pp. 180-185
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.041
  • Peters, J.; Nolan, E.; Wiese, M.; Miodownik, M.; Spurgeon, S.; Arezzo, A.; Raatz, A.; Wurdemann*, H: (2019): Actuation and Stiffening in Fluid-Driven Soft Robots Using Low-Melting-Point MaterialIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, pp. 2313-2318
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967764
  • Wiese, M.; Rüstmann, K.; Raatz, A. (2019): Kinematic Modeling of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator Using Cubic Hermite SplinesIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, pp. 2313-2318
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967776
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Göke, J.; Grimm, T.; Meier, B.; Raatz, A. (2018): Gesture-based Robot Programming using Microsoft KinectRatchev S. (eds) Precision Assembly in the Digital Age. IPAS 2018. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 530. Springer, Cham, pp. 72-81
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05931-6_7
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Recker, T.; Stuke, T.; Brokmann, J.; Geese, M.; Reiniger, M.; Pischke, D.; Oubari, A.; Raatz, A. (2018): A Method to Distinguish Potential Workplaces for Human-Robot CollaborationProcedia CIRP 76 (2018) pp. 171-176, (7th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Tianjin, China), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.02.008
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Wiemann, R.; Posniak, L.; Pregizer, C.; Raatz, A. (2018): Intuitive Robot Programming Using Augmented RealityProcedia CIRP 76 (2018), pp. 155-160, (7th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Tianjin, China), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.02.028
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Wiemann, R.; Raatz, A. (2018): Intuitive Assembly Support System Using Augmented RealitySchüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Franke J. (eds) Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, (9 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-56714-2_22
    ISBN: 978-3-662-56713-5
  • Bruns, C.; Tielking, J.-C.; Kuolt, H.; Raatz, A. (2018): Modelling and Evaluating the Heat Transfer of Molten Thermoplastic Fabrics in Automated Handling ProcessesProcedia CIRP 76 (2018), pp. 79–84, (7th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Tianjin, China), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.01.011
  • Ibrahim, S.; Olbrich, A.; Lindemann, H.; Gerbers, R.; Kloft, H.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A. (2018): Automated Additive Manufacturing of Concrete Structures without Formwork - Concept for Path PlanningSchüppstuhl T., Tracht K., Franke J. (eds) Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, (9 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-56714-2_10
  • Lindemann, H.; Gerbers, R.; Ibrahim, S.; Dietrich F.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A.; Kloft, H. (2018): Development of a Shotcrete 3D-Printing (SC3DP) Technology for Additive Manufacturing of Reinforced Freeform ConcreteWangler T., Flatt R. (eds) First RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication – Digital Concrete 2018. DC 2018. RILEM Bookseries, vol 19. Springer, Cham, (12 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99519-9_27
  • Wolff, J.; Kolditz, T.; Fei, Y.; Raatz, A. (2018): Simulation-Based Determination of Disassembly ForcesProcedia CIRP 76 (2018), pp. 13–18, (7th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Tianjin, China), (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.01.022
  • Wolff, J.; Kolditz, T.; Raatz, A. (2018): A Learning Method for Automated DisassemblyRatchev S. (eds) Precision Assembly in the Digital Age. IPAS 2018. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 530. Springer, Cham, pp. 63-71
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-05931-6_6
  • Behrens, B.-A.; Raatz, A.; Hübner, S.; Bonk, C.; Bohne, F.; Bruns, C.; Micke-Camuz, M. (2017): Automated Stamp Forming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics for Complex Shell GeometriesProcedia CIRP 66 (2017), pp. 113–118 (1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing (CCMPM)), 6 pages
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.294
  • Blankemeyer, S.; Losensky, J.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A. (2017): Design principles for stiffness adjustment in soft material robotics using layer jammingProceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, and Applications, Volume 1, pp. 39-56, Global Academic-Industrial Cooperation Society (GAICS), Tokyo, 2017.
    ISSN: 2521-3717
  • Borchert, G.; Diekmeyer, J.; Bild, K.; Raatz, A. (2017): Normal Operation Input Signals for Parameter Estimation in Underactuated StructuresT. Schüppstuhl et al. (Hrsg.), Tagungsband des 2. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter, 2017, (9 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54441-9_5
    ISBN: 978-3-662-54440-2
  • Bruns, C.; Raatz, A. (2017): Simultaneous Grasping and Heating Technology for Automated Handling and Preforming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced ThermoplasticsProcedia CIRP 66 (2017), pp. 119–124 (1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing (CCMPM)), 6 pages
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.286
  • Runge, G.; Peters, J.; Raatz, A. (2017): Design Optimization of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Using Genetic AlgorithmsIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (RoBio 2017), pp. 393- 400 (8 pages)
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2017.8324449
  • Runge, G.; Wiese, M.; Günther, L.; Raatz, A. (2017): A framework for the kinematic modeling of soft material robots combining finite element analysis and piecewise constant curvature kinematicsIEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics 2017 (ICCAR 2017), 2017, (8 pages)
    DOI: 10.1109/ICCAR.2017.7942652
    ISBN: 978-1-5090-6088-7
  • Runge, G.; Wiese, M.; Raatz, A. (2017): FEM-Based Training of Artificial Neural Networks for Modular Soft RobotsIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (RoBio 2017), pp. 385- 392 (8 pages)
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2017.8324448
  • Wolff, J.; Kolditz, T.; Günther, L.; Raatz, A. (2017): Development of a Methodology for the Determination of Conceptual Automated Disassembly SystemsT. Schüppstuhl et al. (Hrsg.) Tagungsband des 2. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54441-9_9
    ISBN: 978-3-662-54440-2
  • Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): An Underactuated Mechanism for Assembly Processes14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 October, 2015 (5 pages)
    DOI: 10.6567/IFTOMM.14TH.WC.OS13.088
  • Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): An Analysis Process to Improve the Mobility of a Parallel Robot for Assembly Tasks14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, 25-30 October, 2015 (9 pages)
    DOI: 10.6567/IFToMM.14TH.WC.OS3.029
  • Hernandez, D.; Wolff, J.; Cardenas, P.; Raatz, A. (2015): A Force Control for a Peg-Hole System in Assembly TechnologyIV Conferencia Internacional de Ingenieria Mecatronica y Automatizacion, CIIMA 21.10.-23.10.2015, Envigado, Colombia
  • Runge, G.; Preller, T.; Zellmer, S.; Blankemeyer, S.; Kreuz, M.; Garnweitner, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): SpineMan: Design of a Soft Robotic Spine-Like Manipulator for Safe Human-Robot Interaction2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 1103-1110 (8 pages)
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353508
  • Runge, G.; Zellmer, S.; Preller, T.; Garnweitner, G.; Raatz, A. (2015): Actuation Principles for the Bioinspired Soft Robotic Manipulator SpineManIEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics (RoBio 2015), pp.1329-1336 (8 pages)
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2015.7418955
  • Schmitt, J.; Posselt, G.; Dietrich, F.; Thiede, S.; Raatz, A.; Herrmann, C.; Dröder, K. (2015): Technical Performance and Energy Intensity of the Electrode-Separator Composite Manufacturing ProcessProcedia CIRP 29 (2015), pp. 269-274 (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.02.016
  • Heyn, J.; Blumenthal, P.; Hemken, G.; Fiedler, S.; Walz, C.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2014): Automation Concepts and Gripping Solutions for Bonding with Reactive Multilayer SystemsProcedia CIRP 23 (2014) pp. 13-18, (5th CIRP Conf. on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Dresden, Germany)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.03.198
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Löchte, C.; Kunz, H.; Schnurr, R.; Langhorst, S.; Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Dilger, K.; Dröder, K. (2014): Form-Flexible Handling and Joining Technology (FormHand) for the Forming and Assembly of Limb MaterialsProcedia CIRP 23 (2014) pp. 206-211, (5th CIRP Conf. on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Dresden, Germany)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.10.086
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Runge, G.; Borchert, G.; Raatz, A. (2014): Design of a Holonomic Ball Drive for Mobile Robots10th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, Senigallia, Ancona, Italy (published on DVD)
    DOI: 10.1109/MESA.2014.6935568
    ISBN: 978-1-4799-2772-2
  • Schmitt, J.; Treuer, F.; Dietrich, F.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A.; Westerhoff, U.; Kurrat, M.; Heins, T.-P.; Schröder, U. (2014): Coupled Mechanical and Electrochemical Characterization Method for Battery MaterialsIEEE Conference on Energy Conversion, Johor Bahru, Malysia, 2014, CD Proc. pp. 395-400
    DOI: 10.1109/CENCON.2014.6967536
  • Tornow, A.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2014): Battery system development - Assembly planning between lightweight design and high volume productionProcedia CIRP 23 (2014) pp. 143-148, (5th CIRP Conf. on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Dresden, Germany)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.10.101
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Wegener, K., Andrew, S., Raatz, A.; Dröder, K.; Herrmann, Ch. (2014): Disassembly of Electric Vehicle Batteries Using the Example of the Audi Q5 Hybrid SystemProcedia CIRP 23 (2014) pp. 155-160, (5th CIRP Conf. on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Dresden, Germany)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.10.098
    ISSN: 2212-8271
  • Boldering, A.; Borchert, G.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): System identification of a grinding machine excited by an active tool holding deviceASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), San Diego, CA, USA, 2013
    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2013-64380
    ISBN: 978-0-7918-5625-3
  • Borchert, G.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A. (2013): An offline-signal processing algorithm for combining superior excitation methods for an ultrasonic piezo motorASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), San Diego, CA, USA, 2013
    DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2013-64294
  • Löchte, C.; Kunz, H.; Schnurr, R.; Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Dilger, K.; Dröder, K. (2013): Form-flexible Handling Technology for Automated Preforming19th international Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM19), Montreal, Canada, 2013, e-proceedings
    ISBN: 978-0-9696797-1-4
  • Schmitt, J.; Stühm, K.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): Simulating Production Effects on Lithium-Ion BatteriesAdvanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC), Strassburg, Frankreich, 2013
  • Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2012): Adhesive Workpiece Fixturing for MicromachiningIPAS2012 - International Precision Assembly Seminar, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2012, pp. 73-80
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28163-1_10
    ISBN: 978-3-642-28162-4
  • Boldering, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): A Design of an Active Tool Holding DeviceASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, 2012, pp. 313-320
    DOI: 10.1115/SMASIS2012-7931
  • Borchert, G.; Löchte, C.; Brumme, S.; Carbone, G.: Ceccarelli, M.; Raatz, A. (2012): Design Methodology for a Compliant Binary Actuated Parallel Mechanism with Flexure HingesEUCOMES2012 - 4th European Conference on Mechanism Science, Springer, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Santander, Spanien, 2012, pp. 171-179
    DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4902-3_18
    ISBN: 978-94-007-4901-6
  • Calabria, M.; Schreiber, F.; Sklyarenko, Y.; Inkermann, D.; Raatz, A.; Vietor, T.; Schumacher, W. (2012): Redundancy resolution and control of manipulators driven by antagonistic pneumatic muscles17th Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotic (MMAR), Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2012, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
    DOI: 10.1109/MMAR.2012.6347932
    ISBN: 978-1-4673-2121-1
  • Claverley, J. D.; Burisch, A.; Leach, R. K.; Raatz, A. (2012): Semi-automated Assembly of a MEMS-Based Micro-scale CMM Probe and Future Optimization of the Process Chain with a View to Desktop Factory AutomationIPAS2012 - 6th International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS 2012, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2012, pp. 9-16 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28163-1_2
    ISBN: 978-3-642-28163-1
  • Dietrich, F.; Grüner, S.; Raatz, A. (2012): A Generic Software Architecture for Control of Parallel Kinematics Designed for Reduced Computing HardwareIEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2012.6385593
    ISBN: 978-1-4673-1736-8
    ISSN: 2153-0866
  • Dietrich, F.; Maaß, J.; Kaiser, K.; Raatz, A. (2012): Gripper Design for Tolerance Compensating Assembly Systems4th CIRP Conf. on Assembly Technology and Systems (CATS), Ann Arbor, USA, 2012, pp. 21-24 Weitere Informationen
  • Herrmann, C.; Raatz, A.; Mennenga, M.; Schmitt, J.; Andrew, S. (2012): Assessment of Automation Potentials for the Disassembly of Automotive Lithium Ion Battery SystemsLeveraging Technology for a Sustainable World, Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, Berkeley, USA, 2012, pp. 149-154 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29069-5_26
    ISBN: 978-3-642-29068-8
  • Löchte, C.; Behring, C.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): Design Principles for a Tool Changing System for flexible Micro Assembly in Desktop Factories8 th. International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2012). 17th-20th June 2012, TUT Publication Series, Tampere, Finland, 2012, pp. 30-36 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 978-952-15-2936-8
  • Löchte, C.; Kayasa, M. J.; Herrmann, C.; Raatz, A. (2012): Methods for Implementing Compensation Strategies in Micro Production Systems supported by a Simulation ApproachIPAS2012 - International Precision Assembly Seminar, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2012, Vol. 371, pp. 118-125
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-28163-1_15
    ISBN: 978-3-642-28162-4
  • Schmitt, J.; Bruhn, M.; Raatz, A. (2012): Comparative Analysis of Pneumatic Grippers for Handling Operations of Crystalline Solar Cells5th IASTED Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Phuket, Thailand, 2012, pp. 386-392
    DOI: 10.2316/P.2012.768-084
    ISBN: 978-0-88986-910-3
  • Schreiber, F.; Calabria, M.; Sklyarenko, Y.; Schumacher, W.; Schmitt, J.; Schlüter, K.; Raatz, A. (2012): Nonlinear model-based control architecture for antagonistic pairs of fluidic muscles in manipulator motion control8. Internationales Fluidtechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Deutschland, 2012
  • Tornow, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): Conceptual DFA Method for Electric Vehicle Battery Systems4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS), Productivity and Customization, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2012, pp. 169-173
    ISBN: 978-0-615-64022-8
  • Borchert, G.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2011): Advantages of Task-Adapted Parallel Robot Systems featuring Modularity and Reconfigurability13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM 2011, DVD-Proc.), Guanajuato, Mexiko, 2011 (8 pages)
  • Carbone, G.; Conghui, L.; Hao, G.; Ceccarelli, M.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2011): Design and Simulation of a Binary Actuated Parallel Micro-Manipulator13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM 2011), Guanajuato, Mexiko, 2011, A12_332
  • Claverley, J. D.; Sheu, D.-Y.; Burisch, A.; Leach, R. K.; Raatz, A. (2011): Assembly of a novel MEMS-based 3D vibrating micro-scale co-ordinate measuring machine probe using desktop factory automationInternational Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing ISAM2011, Tampere, Finnland, 2011
    DOI: 10.1109/ISAM.2011.5942327
    ISBN: 978-1-61284-343-8
  • Hourani, H.; Wolters, P.; Hauck, E.; Raatz, A.; Jeschke, S. (2011): A Conceptual Agent-Based Planning Algorithm for the Production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Aircrafts by using Mobile Production UnitsInt. Conf. Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Springer, Aachen, 2011, pp. 366-375
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25486-4_37
    ISBN: 978-3-642-25485-7
  • Li, T.; Gu, H.; Conghui, L.; Carbone, G.; Ceccarelli, M.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A. (2011): Test results with a binary actuated parallel manipulatorNaCoMM2011 - 15th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, Narosa Publishing House, Madras, Chennai, Indien, 2011, pp. 8
    ISBN: 978-81-8487-192-0
  • Löchte, C.; Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A. (2011): A Parallel Kinematic Concept Targeting at More Accurate Assembly of Aircraft SectionsICIRA2011 - Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Aachen, 2011, pp. 142-151
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25486-4_15
    ISBN: 978-3-642-25485-7
  • Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Pisla, D.; Raatz, A.; Vaida, C.; Prodan, B.; Dadarlat, R. (2011): Inverse Dynamics of a 5-DOF Reconfigurable Parallel Robot13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM 2011), Guanajuato, Mexiko, 2011, A12_490
  • Raatz, A.; Burisch, A.; Ellwood, J.; Löchte, C.; Blumenthal, P.; Rathmann, S. (2011): Mikromontage – Geräte, Prozesse und deren EinflussgrößenKolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 2011, S. 125-132
    ISBN: 978-3-86644-747-9
  • Schmitt, J.; Haupt, H.; Kurrat, M.; Raatz, A. (2011): Disassembly Automation for Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Using a Flexible Gripper15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Tallinn, Estland, 2011, pp. 291-297
    DOI: 10.1109/ICAR.2011.6088599
    ISBN: 978-1-4577-1157-2
  • Schmitt, J.; Raatz, A. (2011): High Dynamic Handling of Solar Cells – Future challenges of Robotic Systems7th Advanced PV Manufacturing Forum, München, 2011
  • Schreiber, F.; Sklyarenko, Y.; Schlüter, K.; Schmitt, J.; Rost, S.; Raatz, A., Schumacher, W. (2011): Tracking Control with Hysteresis Compensation for Manipulator Segments driven by Pneumatic Artificial MusclesIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2011), Phuket, Thailand, 2011, pp. 2750-2755
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2011.6181721
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): A Mechanical Calibration Approach for Binary Parallel Robots13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM 2011), Guanajuato, Mexiko, 2011, A12_479
  • Borchert, G.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2010): APIS – A Miniaturized Robot for Precision Assembly with Low-Cost Piezoelectric Motors7th International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2010), Daejeon, Südkorea, 2010, pp. 111-116 (6 pages)
    DOI: 10.1007/s12541-011-0081-0
  • Vaida, C.; Pisla, D.; Plitea, N.; Gherman, B.; Gyurka, B.; Stancel, E.; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Vlad, L.; Graur, F. (2009): Development of a control system for a parallel robot used in minimally invasive surgeryVlad, S., Ciupa, R.V., Nicu, A.I. (eds) International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 26. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04292-8_38
    ISBN: 978-3-642-04291-1
  • Boldering, A.; Simnofske, M.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Grinding Process Stabilization with Active ModulesThe 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (Movic), Munich, Germany, 2008
  • Budde, C.; Rose, M.; Maaß, J.; Raatz, A. (2008): Automatic Detection of Assembly Mode for a Triglide-RobotIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Pasadena, USA, 2008
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2008.4543425
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-1647-9
    ISSN: 1050-4729
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Fabrizi, A. (2008): Cambio - A Miniaturized Tool Changer for Desktop Factory Application2nd European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES 08), Springer, Cassino, Italien, 2008, 541-548
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8915-2_65
    ISBN: 978-1-4020-8914-5
  • Burisch, A.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Strategies and Devices for a Modular Desktop FactoryInternational Precision Assembly Seminar IPAS 2008, Springer Verlag, Boston, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2008, 337-344
    DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77405-3_33
    ISBN: 978-0-387-77402-2
  • Last, P-; Budde, C.; Schütz, D.; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2008): Parallel Robot Calibration by Working Mode ChangeAdvances in Robot Kinematics - Analysis and Design (ARK 2008), Springer, Batz-sur-Mer, Frankreich, 2008, pp. 371-380
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8600-7_39
    ISBN: 978-1-4020-8599-4
  • Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Pavlovic, N.; Keimer, R. (2008): Parallel Robot Calibration Utilizing Adaptronic JointsASME 32nd Annual Mechanisms and Robotics Conference , Brooklyn, New York, USA, 2008
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2008-49918
    ISBN: 978-0-7918-3831-0
  • Maaß, J.; Steiner, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Goltz, U.; Amado, A. (2008): Self-Management in a Control Architecture for Parallel Kinematic Robots28th ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), New York, 2008
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2008-49881
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Concepts for Hybrid Micro Assembly using Hot Melt JoiningFourth International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2008), Springer Verlag, Boston, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2008, pp. 161-169
    DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77405-3_15
    ISBN: 978-0-387-77402-2
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Strategies for the Use of Hot Melt Adhesives for Highly Accurate Micro Assembly2nd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, 21-23 September 2008, Toronto, Canada, 2008
    ISBN: 978-0-9783187-1-0
  • Schöttler, K.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Scheduling and Verification of Micro Assembly Processes2nd European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES 08), Springer, Cassino, Italien, 2008, pp. 531-539
    DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8915-2_64
    ISBN: 978-1-4020-8914-5
  • Schöttler, K.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Precision Assembly of Active Microsystems with a Size-Adapted Assembly SystemFourth International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2008), Springer Verlag, Boston, Chamonix, Frankreich, 2008, pp. 199-206
    DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-77405-3_19
    ISBN: 978-0-387-77402-2


  • David Wendorff, Sebastian Blankemeyer, Annika Raatz (2025): 6D Pose Estimation for Human-Robot Collaboration: Current Challenges and Future Directions1st German Robotics Conference 2025 (GRC 2025)
  • Gerland, S.; Moritz, P.; Wegewitz, L.; Maus-Friedrichs, W.; Raatz, A. (2022): Experimental studies on adhesive bonding in an oxygen-free atmosphereMaterials Science and Engineering
  • Ince, C.-V.; Raatz A. (2022): Automatisierung der flexiblen Handhabung schmiedewarmer Tailored Forming BauteileBertram, T.; Corves, B.; Janschek, K.; Rinderknecht, S. (Eds.): Fachtagung Mechatronik 2022. Darmstadt: VDI, 2022, S. 7-12
    DOI: 10.15488/13558
  • Stucki, M.; Raatz, A. (2022): Simulation von Integrierten Aktoren für Elektrostatische Self-AssemblyBertram, T.; Corves, B.; Janschek, K.; Rinderknecht, S. (Eds.): Fachtagung Mechatronik 2022. Darmstadt : VDI, 2022, S. 85-89
    DOI: 10.15488/13559
  • Ihmig, F.; Koch, T.; Biehl, M.; Jahn, P.; Raatz, A. (2021): Robotergestützte Handhabung im kryogenen ArbeitsumfeldTagungsband der Digital-Fachtagung VDI Mechatronik 2021, S. 164-169
  • Nasdar, P. R.; Boyraz, P.; Ortmaier, T.; Raatz, A. (2016): Development of Compliant Hyper-redundant Mechanisms for Robotic Catheters and Analysis of ControllabilityDGR Days, 30. Juni 2016, Leipzig, 1 page Weitere Informationen
  • Dietrich, F.; Löchte, C.; Wegener, K.; Schnurr, R.; Heyn, J.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2015): Robotersysteme im Prozess: Parallelkinematiken, funktionsintegrierte Greifsysteme und Mensch-Roboter-KollaborationVVD Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Verpackungstechnik 2015, Dresden, 2015, S. 107-126
  • Dröder, K.; Herrmann, C.; Raatz, A.; Große, T.; Schönemann, M.; Löchte, C. (2014): Symbiosis of plastics and metals: integrated manufacturing of functional lightweight structures in high-volume productionKunststoffe im Automobilbau, Mannheim, Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag, pp. 31-44
    ISBN: 978-3-18-234333-2
  • Lippky, K.; Löchte, C.; Schnurr, R.; Fischer, F.; Raatz, A.; Dietrich, F.; Dröder, K.; Dilger, K. (2014): Production technology for the pre-assembly of multi-materialpreforms - Process design, handling- and joining technologiesSAMPE EUROPE Conference – SETEC 14, Tampere, Finnland, 2014, CD Proc.
    ISBN: 978-90-821727-1-3
  • Schmitt, J.; Krafft, R.; Winter, M.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2014): Relation between separator processing and ageing effectsAdvanced Automotive Battery, Münster, 2014, CD Proc.
  • Tornow, A.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K.; Kurz, M. (2014): ALIVE- Battery System Design for Future Electric Vehicles11. Symposium Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Braunschweig, Germany, 2014, pp. 90
  • Blumenthal, P.; Tornow, A.; Dröder, K.; Raatz, A. (2013): Electrocaloric-Cooling in E-MobilityProc. of Int. Conf. on Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys (ICFSMA), Boise, USA, June 3-7, 2013
  • Ellwood, J.; Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): Simulationsgestützte Genauigkeitsabschätzung von Präzisions-montageprozessenKolloquium Mikroproduktion, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Braunschweig, 2013, A35
    ISBN: 978-3-8440-2243-8
  • Löchte, C.; Kunz, H.; Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Fischer, F.; Dröder, K. (2013): Form-flexible Handling Technology (FormHand) for Automation in RTM preforming7th international CFK-Convention, Stade, Germany, 2013, pp. 37-43
  • Schlüter, K.; Raatz, A. (2013): Magnetische Formgedächtnisaktoren – Konzepte und prototypische Umsetzung für potentielle AnwendungenMechatronik 2013, Aachen, Deutschland, 2013, pp. 265-270
    ISBN: 978-3-86130-958-1
  • Schmitt, J.; Dreger, H.; Raatz, A.; Kwade, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): Effect on Surface Alignment in Electrode Stacks on the Performance of LIBsKraftwerk Batterie, Aachen, 2013, Posterbeitrag
  • Schmitt, J.; Zarges, J.; Raatz, A.; Dröder, K. (2013): Characterization of Tensile Stress Affect on Electrodes for Lithium-Ion BatteriesAdvanced Automotive Battery, Aachen, 2013, CD Proc.
  • Blumenthal, P.; Dietrich, F.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): Automated Manipulation in Medical and Biotech Lab ApplicationsNew Trends Medical and Service Robots, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2012 Weitere Informationen
  • Borchert, G.; Raatz, A.; Carbone, G.; DAliesio, E. (2012): Design and Simulation of the Binary Parallel Manipulator BAPAMAN221th Int. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD), Naples, Italy, 10-13 Sept., 2012, pp. 63-70
  • Dietrich, F.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): A Cost-Efficient, Portable Desktop Colony Picker Using an Innovative Sterilization TechnologyEuropean Lab Automation, Hamburg, 2012 Weitere Informationen
    ISBN: 1754-1417
  • Kwade, A.; Raatz, A.; Haselrieder, W.; Schmitt, J. (2012): Entwicklung und Etablierung von Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen in der BatterieproduktionE-Motive Expertenforum, Stuttgart, 2012
  • Schlüter, K.; Blumenthal, P.; Raatz, A. (2012): Development of a miniaturized clamping device driven by magnetic shape memory alloysASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA, 2012, Vol. 25, No. 9
    DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13505
  • Schlüter, K.; Raatz, A. (2012): Design and Control of a Linear Actuator Driven by Magnetic Shape Memory CrystalsInternational Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Deutschland, 2012, pp. 328-331
    ISBN: 978-3-933339-19-5
  • Tornow, A.; Raatz, A; Dröder, K. (2012): Modularity of Battery Systems for Electric Vehicles from the Perspective of DFMAKraftwerk Batterie, Aachen, Germany, 2012, S. 1
  • Burisch, A.; Drewenings, S.; Ellwood, J.; Raatz, A.; Pisla, D. (2010): Analysis and Inverse Dynamic Model of a Miniaturized Robot StructureNew Trends in Mechanism Science - Analysis and Design, 3rd European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES 2010), Springer, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, pp. 117-124
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9689-0_14
    ISBN: 978-9-04819-688-3
  • Burisch, A.; Hoxhold, B.; Raatz, A.; Büttgenbach, S. (2010): A Miniaturized Automation Setup of a Process Chain in Micro Assembly3rd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies (CATS 2010), Trondheim, Norwegen, 2010, pp. 85-90
    ISBN: 978-82-519-2616-4
  • Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2010): Challenges of Miniaturized Robots and Machine Elements for Desktop Factory Applications7th International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2010), Daejeon, Südkorea, 2010, pp. 100-105
  • Burisch, A.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Challenges of Precision Assembly with a Miniaturized Robot5th International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS 2010), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Chamonix, France, 2010, pp. 227-234
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11598-1_27
    ISSN: 1868-4238
  • Dietrich, F.; Buchholz, D.; Wobbe, F.; Sowinski, F.; Raatz, A.; Schumacher, W.; Wahl, F. M. (2010): On Contact Models for Assembly Tasks: Experimental Investigation Beyond the Peg-in-Hole Problem on the Example of Force-Torque MapsIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, pp. 2313-2318 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2010.5652704
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-6676-4
    ISSN: 2153-0866
  • Dietrich, F.; Kaiser, K.; Ellwood, J.; Raatz, A. (2010): An Autonomous and Safe Homing Strategy for Parallel Kinematic Five-Bar ManipulatorsAdvances in Robot Kinematics - Motion in Man and Machine (ARK 2010), Springer, Piran-Portorož, Slovenia, 2010, pp. 501-508
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9262-5_54
    ISBN: 978-9-04819-261-8
  • Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Numerical Aspects regarding the A-priori Fisher Information of Nonlinear Models for Hydraulic Servo-SystemsIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, CD Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2010.5650398
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-6676-4
    ISSN: 2153-0866
  • Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): A-priori Fisher Information of Nonlinear State Space Models for Experiment DesignIEEE ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE, Anchorage, Alaska, 2010, pp. 3698-3702 Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509535
    ISSN: 1050-4729
  • Dietrich, F.; Wobbe, F.; Buchholz, D.; Sowinski, F.; Raatz, A.; Schumacher, W.; Wahl, F. M. (2010): Enhancements of Force-Torque Map Based Assembly Applied to Parallel RobotsProc. of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Valparaiso, Chile, 2010, pp. 469-474
    DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.2010.5472750
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-5697-0
  • Ellwood, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Vision and Force Sensing to Decrease Assembly Uncertainty5th International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS 2010), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Chamonix, France, 2010, pp. 123-130
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11598-1_14
    ISBN: 978-3-64211-597-4
    ISSN: 1868-4238
  • Ellwood, J.; Schütz, D.; Raatz, A. (2010): Incorporating Flexure Hinges in the Kinematic Model of a Planar 3-PRR Parallel RobotNew Trends in Mechanism Science - Analysis and Design, 3rd European Conference on Mechanism Science (EUCOMES 2010), Springer, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2010, pp. 683-690
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9689-0_78
    ISBN: 978-9-04819-688-3
  • Ellwood, J.; Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Calibration and Validation of a Rigid Body Kinematic Model of Flexure HingesAdvances in Robot Kinematics - Motion in Man and Machine (ARK 2010), Springer, Piran, Slowenia, 2010, S. 3-10
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9262-5_1
    ISBN: 978-9-04819-261-8
  • Guldbakke, J. M.; Mecklenburg, A.; Schneider, R.; Raatz, A. (2010): An Air-Gap Free Disk Spring/MSMA ActuatorInternational Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, 2010, pp. 720-722
    ISBN: 978-3-93333-913-3
  • Halubek, P.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Herrmann, C. (2010): Potential Analysis of the Adaption of Production Concepts from Macro to Micro Production3rd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies (CATS 2010), Trondheim, Norwegen, 2010, pp. 97-102
    ISBN: 978-82-519-2616-4
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): Active Gripper for Hot Melt Joining of Micro Components5th International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS 2010), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, Chamonix, France, 2010, pp. 191-198
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-11598-1_22
    ISSN: 1868-4238
  • Schmitt, J.; Grabert, F.; Raatz, A. (2010): Design of a Hyper-Flexible Assembly Robot Using Artificial MusclesIEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO, Tianjin, China, 2010, pp. 897-902
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2010.5723445
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-9317-3
  • Schmitt, J.; Inkermann, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Vietor, T. (2010): Dynamic Reconfiguration of Parallel MechanismsNew Trends in Mechanism Science - Analysis and Design, EUCOMES - European Conference on Mechanism Design, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien, 2010, pp. 557-565
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9689-0_64
    ISBN: 978-90-481-9688-3
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2010): The Development of a Reconfigurable Parallel Robot with Binary ActuatorsAdvances in Robot Kinematics - Motion in Man and Machine (ARK 2010), Springer, Piran, Slovenia, 2010, pp. 225-232
    DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9262-5_24
    ISBN: 978-9-04819-261-8
  • Boldering, A.; Simnofske, M.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2009): Active Vibration Reduction to Optimize the Grinding ProcessASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), San Diego, CA, USA, 2009
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2009-86976
    ISBN: 978-0-7918-3856-3
  • Hoxhold, B.; Burisch, A.; Büttgenbach, S.; Raatz, A. (2009): Mikrogreifer und aktive Mikromontagehilfsmittel am miniaturisierten Handhabungsgerät Parvus4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, BIAS-Verlag, Bremen, 2009, 177-182
    ISBN: 978-3-933762-32-0
  • Rathmann, S.; Ellwood, J.; Hemken, G.; Keck, C.; Böhm, S.; Tutsch, R.; Raatz, A. (2009): Präzisionsmontage schmelzklebstoffbeschichteter Bauteile mit Hilfe eines 3D-Bildsensors4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, BIAS Verlag, Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 2009, pp. 151-156
    ISBN: 978-3-933762-32-0
  • Schmitt, J.; Last, P.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2009): TRoBS - A Biological Inspired RobotIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009), Guilin, China, 2009
    DOI: 10.1109/ROBIO.2009.5420632
  • Schmitt, J.; Stechert, C.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Franke, H.-J.; Vietor, T. (2009): Reconfigurable Parallel Kinematic Structures for Spreading RequirementsIASTED - Robotics and Applications, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2009
  • Schütz, D.; Soetebier, S.; Last, P.; Raatz, A. (2009): Adapted Task Configuration of a DeltapodReconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, KC Edizioni, London, United Kingdom, 2009, pp. 545-549
    ISBN: 978-88-89007-37-2
  • Budde, C.; Kolbus, M.; Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Schumacher, W. (2008): Optimized Change of Working and Assembly Mode of the SFB 562 TRIGLIDE-Robot3rd International Colloquium of the SFB 562: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly (RSHA 2008), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Braunschweig, 2008, 221-236
    ISBN: 978-3-8322-7129-9
  • Budde, C.; Maaß, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Automatisierte Konfigurationserkennung bei einem TRIGLIDE-RoboterRobotik, München, 2008
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Schöttler, K.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Flexibility and Cost Efficiency of Desktop Factories based on Process Simulation6th International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2008), Evanston, Illinois, USA, 2008, pp.278-281
  • Guldbakke, J. M.; Rolfs, K.; Mecklenburg, A.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Schneider, R. (2008): A Miniaturized Gripper driven by a Magnetic Shape Memory Single ActuatorInternational Conference on New Actuators, Messe Bremen, Bremen, 2008, pp.880-882
    ISBN: 978-3-933339-10-2
  • Hemken, G.; Böhm, S.; Dilger, K.; Raatz, A.; Rathmann, S. (2008): Eine batchfähige Verbindungstechnik auf Basis von SchmelzklebstoffenElektotechnische Baugruppen und Leiterplatten, GMM-Fachbericht, VDE Verlag Berlin, Fellbach, 2008, pp. 181-186
    DOI: 10.15488/13304
    ISBN: 978-3-80073-074-2
  • Maaß, J.; Kolbus, M.; Bier, C.; Wobbe, F,; Schumacher, W.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Advances in Motion Control for High-Performance Parallel Robots3rd International Colloquium of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 562: Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly (RSHA 2008), Braunschweig, Achen: Shaker Verlag, 2008, pp. 101-112
    ISBN: 978-3-8322-7129-9
  • Maaß, J.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Künning, G. (2008): Partikelgestützte Bahnplanung zur Singularitätsvermeidung für ParallelkinematikenRobotik, München, 2008
  • Pisla, D.; Vaida, C.; Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Simnofske, M.; Burisch, A. (2008): Modeling and Simulation of a New Parallel Robot Used in Minimally Invasive SurgeryFifth International Conference on Informatics on Control, Automation and Robotics (Icinco), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2008, pp. 194-201
    DOI: 10.5220/0001500201940201
    ISBN: 978-989-8111-31-9
  • Raatz, A.; Burisch, A.; Schöttler, K.; Wrege, J. (2008): Size-adapted devices and processes for high precision assembly tasks6th International Workshop on Microfactories (IWMF2008), Evanston, Illinois, USA, 2008, pp. 263-268
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2008): Heat Management Concepts for a Precision Assembly of Mirco Components Using Hot Melt Joining10th Anniversary International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, euspen, Zürich, Switzerland, 2008, 34-38
    DOI: 10.15488/13305
    ISBN: 978-0-9553082-5-3
  • Rathmann, S.; Schöttler, K..; Berndt, M; Hemken, G.; Raatz, A.; Tutsch, R.; Böhm, S. (2008): Sensor-guided micro assembly of active micro systems by using a hot melt based joining technologyMicrosystem Technologies, 2008, Vol. 14 (12), pp. 1975-1981
    DOI: 10.1007/s00542-008-0681-5
  • Böhm, S.; Dilger, K.; Raatz, A.; Hemken, G.; Rathmann, S. (2007): Fügen Klebstoff-vorbeschicheter Bauteile zur Fertigung von MEMS und MOEMSTechnologien und Werkstoffe der Mikro- und Nanosystemtechnik, VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, Karlsruhe, 2007, pp. 155-162
    DOI: 10.15488/13306
    ISBN: 978-3-80073-033-9
  • Burisch, A.; Degen, R; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2007): Assembly of Micro Systems with the High Precision Robot ParvusSmart Systems Integration 2007, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, Paris, 2007, pp. 443-445
    DOI: 10.15488/13307
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3009-4
  • Burisch, A.; Raatz, A.; Hoxhold, B. (2007): PARVUS - Größenangepasstes Handhabungsgerät für die Desktop-FactoryMikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach, Dresden, 2007, pp. 1083-1086
    DOI: 10.15488/13308
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3061-2
  • Guldbakke, J. M.; Rolfs, K.; Mecklenburg, A.; Raatz, A.; Schneider, R.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): Development of a Miniaturized Gripper driven by a Magnetic Shape Memory Single Crystal ActuatorMRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 2007
  • Hemken, G.; Böhm, S.; Dilger, K.; Raatz, A.; Rathmann, S. (2007): Einsatz von Schmelzklebstoffen zur Montage von MEMS und MOEMSMikrosystemtechnik Kongess 2007, VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, Dresden, Germany, 2007, pp. 675-678
    DOI: 10.15488/13309
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3061-2
  • Last, P.; Gaggiotti, F.; Budde, C.; Raatz, A. (2007): Optimal Selection of Measurement Configurations for Singularity Based Calibration of Parallel Kinematic RobotsIEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Zürich, Schweiz, 2007
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-1264-8
  • Last, P.; Raatz, A.; Carretero, J.-A.; O`Brien, S. M. (2007): A General Approach to Solve the Singular Kinematic Problem2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Diego, CA, USA, 2007
    DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2007.4399218
    ISBN: 978-1-4244-0912-9
  • Last, P.; Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): Singularity Based Calibration of 3-DOF Fully Parallel Planar ManipulatorsProc. of 12th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM 2007), Besancon, France, 2007
  • Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Pisla, D.; Raatz, A.; Vaida, C.; Budde, C.; Vlad, L.; Burisch, A.; Senner, R. (2007): Innovative Development of Surgical Parallel Robots1st Int. Conf. on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care Through Technology - MediTech2007, Mediamira Science Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2007, 201-206
    ISBN: 1841-3323
  • Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): High-Precision Robots and Micro AssemblyProc. Int. Conf. on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA 07), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2007, pp. 321-326
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Dietrich, F.; Hemken, G.; Böhm, S. (2007): Greifsysteme für das Fügen mit schmelzklebstoff-vorbeschichteten Bauteilen zur Fertigung von MEMS und MOMSMikrosystemtechnik Kongess 2007, VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, Dresden, Germany, 2007, pp. 671-674
    DOI: 10.15488/13310
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3061-2
  • Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Schöttler, K.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): In-Process Laser Scanning Technology for Micro AssemblyProc. of 7th euspen International Conference, Bremen, 2007, pp. 340 V2-343 V2
    DOI: 10.15488/13311
    ISBN: 978-0-9553082-2-2
  • Rathmann, S.; Schöttler, K.; Berndt, M.; Hemken, G.; Raatz, A.; Tutsch, R.; Böhm, S. (2007): Einsatz von Schmelzklebstoffen bei der sensorgeführten MontageKolloquium Mikroproduktion, Karlsruhe, 2007, pp. 207-212
    ISBN: 978-3-923704-61-3
  • Schöttler, K.; Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2007): Influences on the Automated Assembly of Hybrid Microsystems with High AccuracyGessner, T. (Edt.): Smart Systems Integration 2007, VDE Verlag, Berlin Offenbach, Paris, Frankreich, 2007, pp. 621-624
    DOI: 10.15488/13312
    ISBN: 978-3-8007-3009-4
  • Schöttler, K.; Rathmann, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2007): Automated Assembly of Hybrid MicrosystemsProc. of 7th euspen International Conference, Bremen, 2007, pp. 364 V2 - 367 V2
    DOI: 10.15488/13313
    ISBN: 978-0-9553082-2-2
  • Simnofske, M.; Queiroz, E.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Hoffmeister, H.-W. (2007): Vibration Reduction in a Grinding Machine Based on Active ModulesAdaptronic Congress, Göttingen, 2007
  • Burisch, A.; Wrege, J.; Soetebier, S.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Slatter, R. (2006): ''Parvus'' A Micro-Parallel-SCARA Robot for Desktop Assembly LinesProc. Third International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2006), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 2006, 65-74
    DOI: 10.1007/0-387-31277-3_7
    ISBN: 978-0-387-31276-7
  • Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J.; Trauden, F. (2006): Modeling Compliant Parallel RobotsASME IDETC/CIE 2006 (Int. Design Eng. Techn. Conf. & Comp. and Information in Eng. Conf.), Philadelphia, USA, 2006, No. 99190
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2006-99190
    ISBN: 978-0-7918-3784-9
  • Raatz, A.; Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Trauden, F. (2006): Design and Modeling of Compliant High-Precision Parallel RobotsProc. of 5th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar (PKS2006), Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Zwickau, Chemnitz, Germany, 2006, pp. 233-252
    ISBN: 978-3-937524-40-5
  • Raatz, A.; Plitea, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Trauden, F. (2006): Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of Compliant Parallel RobotsProc. Joint Conference on Robotics ISR/Robotik 2006, München, Germany, 2006, No. 135
    ISBN: 978-3-18-091956-0
  • Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2006): Compliant Parallel Robots - Development and PerformanceS. Ratchev (Edt.): Precision Assembly Technologies for Mini and Micro Products, Proc. Third International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2006), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 2006, pp. 83-92
    DOI: 10.1007/0-387-31277-3_9
    ISBN: 978-0-387-31276-7
  • Rathmann, S.; Wrege, J.; Schöttler, K.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2006): Sensor Guided Micro Assembly by Using Laser-Scanning TechnologyS. Ratchev (Edt.): Precision Assembly Technologies for Mini and Micro Products, Proc. Third International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2006), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 2006, pp. 101-108
    DOI: 10.1007/0-387-31277-3_11
    ISBN: 978-0-387-31276-7
  • Rathmann, S.; Wrege, J.; Schöttler, K.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2006): Laser Scanning Technology for Micro Assembly SystemsProc. First CIRP International Seminar on Assembly Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, 2006, pp. 61-66
    ISBN: 978-3-8167-7213-2
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Soetebier, S. (2004): Design and Analyses of a Macro Parallel Robot with Flexure Hinges for Micro Assembly TasksProc. 35th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2004), Paris, France, 2004, No. TU14-0
  • Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Hesselbach, J. (2004): Compliant 6 DOF Parallel Robot with Pseudo-Elastic Flexure Hinges for Micro Assembly TasksParallel Kinematic Machines in Research and Practice, The 4th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany, 2004, pp. 783-788
    ISBN: 978-3-937524-05-4
  • Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Soetebier, S.; Hesselbach, J. (2004): High Precision Compliant Parallel Robot with an Optimized Large WorkspaceProc. ASME - Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2004, No. 57399
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2004-57399
  • Soetebier, S.; Raatz, A.; Krefft, M.; Hesselbach, J.; Marix, C. (2004): Spreadband - A Smart Machine Element Enables Compact Robot DesignProc. ASME - Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 2004, No. 57069
    DOI: 10.1115/DETC2004-57069
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Heuer, K.; Wrege, J. (2003): Compliant Parallel Robots with Pseudo-Elastic Flexure HingesProc. International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS'2003), Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 2003, pp. 41-48
    ISBN: 978-0-85358-117-8
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Wrege, J.; Herrmann, H.; Weule, H.; Fleischer, J.; Buchholz, C.; Tritschler, H.; Knoll, M.; Elsner, J.; Klocke, F.; Weck, M.; Bodenhausen, J. von; Klitzing, A. von (2003): Investigation on the International State of the Art of Micro Production TechnologyProc. euspen - International Topical Conference, Aachen, Germany, 2003, pp. 13-18
    ISBN: 978-3-926832-30-6
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2002): Pseudoelastic Flexure Hinges in Device for High Precision Tasks and Investigations of Their FatigueProc. Int. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies and Shape Memory Materials (SMST-SMM), Materials Science Forum Vols. 394-395, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Kunming, China, 2002, 79-82
    ISBN: 0255-5476
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2001): Compliant Parallel Robot with 6 DOFProc. SPIE MIcrorobotics and Microassembly III, Vol. 4568, Newton, USA, 2001, pp. 143-156
    DOI: 10.15488/13315
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A.; Abel-Keilhack, C.; Helm, M. (2001): New Parallel Structure Based on Pseudo-Elastic Flexure Hinges for 2D-Orientationin: 16th Int. Conf. on Production Research (ICPR-16), Prague, Czech Republic, 2001, Serial No. 0254
  • Hesselbach, J.; Raatz, A. (2000): Pseudo-elastic Flexure-Hinges in Robots for Micro AssemblyProc. SPIE Microrobotics and Microassembly II, Vol. 4194, Boston, USA, 2000, pp. 157-167
    DOI: 10.15488/13316


  • Kolditz, T.; Raatz, A. (2023): Machine Learning in der ZuführtechnikIndustrial Production 6/2023
  • Görke, M.; Blankemeyer, S.; Pischke, D.; Oubari, A.; Raatz, A.; Nyhuis, P. (2017): Sichere und akzeptierte Kollaboration von Mensch und MaschineZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb: Vol. 112, No. 1-2, pp. 41-45
    DOI: 10.3139/104.111668
  • Kunz, H.; Löchte, C.; Dietrich, F.; Raatz, A.; Fischer, F.; Dröder, K.; Dilger, K. (2015): Novel form-flexible handling and joining tool for automated preformingScience and Engineering of Composite Materials, deGruyter, 2015, Vol. 22(2), pp. 199-213
    DOI: 10.1515/secm-2013-0326
    ISSN: 2191-0359
  • Schlüter, K.; Riccardi, L.; Raatz, A. (2013): An Open-Loop Control Approach for Magnetic Shape Memory Actuators Considering Temperature VariationsAdvances in Science and Technology, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2013, Vol. 78, pp. 119-124
    DOI: 10.4028/


  • Herold, S.; Schütz, D.; Fondahl, K.; Raatz, A.; Ibrahim, S.; Ibenthal, J.; Bartling, F. (2020): Gripper device for an object, charging robot having a gripper deviceUS Patent App. 16/977,114
  • Herold, S.; Schütz, D.; Fondahl, K.; Raatz, A.; Ibrahim, S.; Ibenthal, J.; Bartling, F. (2019): Greifvorrichtung für ein Objekt, Laderoboter mit Greifvorrichtung DE 10 2018 104670 A
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2016): Method and apparatus for detaching and/or isolating a histological sampleUnited States Patent, US 9,377,382 B2, 2016
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2015): Method of detaching and/or isolating a histological sampleUK Patent, GB 2490202 B, 2015
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Method and apparatus for detaching and/or isolating a histological sampleUK Patent, GB 2490211 B, 2014
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Method for execution upon processing of at least one histological sampleUnited States Patent, US 8,709,749 B2, 2014 and United States Patent, US 9,121,796 B2, 2015 (continuation)
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Method and apparatus for detaching and/or isolating a histological sampleUnited States Patent, US 8,850,902 B2, 2014
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Tissue sample handling apparatusUK Patent, GB 2490209 B, 2014
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Method and apparatus for detaching and/or isolating a histological sampleUnited States Patent, US 8,757,016 B2, 2014
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2014): Tissue sample handling method and apparatusUK Patent, GB 2490764 B, 2014
  • Dietrich, F.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A. (2013): Vorrichtung zum Halten und/oder Verformen eines Objektes sowie Verfahren zum Verformen eines Objektes (Device for e.g. deforming fabric during industrial and/or logistic process, has low pressure sources provided to exert suction force on object when contact surface is arranged at surface of object)Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Offenlegungsschrift: DE 10 2012 003094 A1, 14.08.2013
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A. (2013): Positionierende Maschine (Positioning machine e.g. handling robot for transporting objects e.g. airplane components, has moving units that are mechanically coupled with end effector in four degrees of freedom)Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2012 008744 A1, 07.11.2013
  • Burisch, A.; Löchte, C.; Raatz, A.; Ulbrich, H.; Westerhoff, K.-H. (2012): Verfahren zur Verarbeitung zumindest einer histologischen Probe und Vorrichtung zum Behandeln einer histologischen ProbeDeutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE 10 2011 103 784, 2012
  • Dietrich, F.; Burisch, A.; Raatz, A. (2012): Kolonie-Vereinzelungsvorrichtung und Verfahren zum Vereinzeln von BakterienkolonienDeutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DE 10 2011 103 784, 2012 Weitere Informationen
  • Schütz, D.; Raatz, A.; Hesselbach, J. (2011): Einlegegerät. (Insertion device for use with motion machines, has binary drives and end effectors, where binary drives are pressed by end effectors and contain unified kinematic chain)Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2009 051 442 A1, 05.05.2011


  • Raatz, A. (2006): Stoffschlüssige Gelenke aus pseudo-elastischen Formgedächtnislegierungen in ParallelroboternVulkan-Verlag, Essen, 2006
    ISBN: 3-8027-8691-2