Institut für Montagetechnik und Industrierobotik Forschung Publikationen
Adaptive aerodynamic part feeding enabled by genetic algorithm

TRR 277: Additive manufacturing in construction

Kategorien Zeitschriften/Aufsätze (reviewed)
Jahr 2021
Autorinnen/Autoren Kloft, H.; Gehlen, C.; Dörfler, K.; Hack, N.; Henke, K.; Lowke D.; Mainka, J.; Raatz, A.
Veröffentlicht in Civil Engineering Design 2021; pp. 1–10. (This paper was initially published in German)

The building industry is one of the least digitalized sectors of the global economy to date. Unlike other industrial sectors, the manufacturing of buildings is characterized by traditional handicraft techniques and individualized construction processes. Digital production technologies from other industrial sectors have not become established in the construction industry because they do not allow the necessary individualization or are uneconomical to transfer to construction. The advantages of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are that automation and individualization are not contradictory. Furthermore, a new design strategy is embedded in 3D printing, namely to build up material only where it is structurally or functionally needed. AM is, therefore, both economical and resource-efficient. The DFG Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction (AMC) of the two universities TU Braunschweig and TU Munich wants to research the technology of AM fundamentally and also contributes to the digitization of the construction industry. This article gives an overview of the goals, work programme, and methods of the TRR 277, as well as its three focus areas and 18 scientific research projects.

DOI 10.1002/cend.202100026